Episode 2: "Clown"

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[Notes: This chapter is shit, I can't fix it. Enjoy.]

"So, we've only talked about me, which is totally fine," Katsuki looked over to Izuku. "But let's talk about you for a change."

"Oh, okay? Um, I don't know? What do you want to know?"

"I don't know what have you been up to the past, I don't know, five years?" The blonde sipped his drink.

"Five years? Damn..."

"Did the innocent, nerd just cuss?" The blonde teased, exaggerating the shock on his face.

"Shut up, Kat..." Izuku rubbed the back of his neck with a slight blush of embarrassment.

"Kat?" Katsuki asked teasingly looking at the man again.

"Oh- I'm sorry I've just been thinking, that calling you Kacchan is kind of childish..." He looked down, picking at his nail before taking another swig his soda.

"I don't necessarily hate it, but it's weird for you not to call me Kacchan." Katsuki laughed. "It's like if you called me Bakugou."

"Yeah, Bakugou?" Izuku teased back.

"That was painful to hear." The blonde said putting his hand on his chest, pretending to be shot.

"It was painful to say..." Izuku admitted, truthfully.

"I bet it was, M-midoriya." Katsuki tried to tease, but stuttered.

"Speak of this and you die-" Katsuki attempted to say with a cold stare, before he was interrupted by laughter.

On the floor was a hyperventilating Izuku, rolling in laughter. Katsuki only glared at him as he struggled to breathe.

"I... I can't... I'm sorry Kacchan... it's just..." Izuku said between harsh breaths and laughs.

"It's not even that funny, dumbass," Katsuki rolled his eyes, now packing his lunch back into his bag. "I'm leaving."

"Wait- No Kacchan... don't leave... I'm sorry-" Izuku continued panting, hunched over with his hands on his knees.

"Mhm. Yeah, I have no time for a fucking clown." He turned to face him with a glare.

"Clown?" He asked looking over with one hand bracing himself on the wall.

In the moment the younger of the two felt his heart stop and the handsome man in front of him. His eyes were wide, and a bright blush spread across his cheeks, he panicked and ran to the stairwell.

"Kacchan wait!! I'm sorry!" Izuku ran after him.



Katsuki breathed heavily as he arrived at the classroom door, as he pushed it open several eyes were directly on him. The whole class was staring at him with confused or shocked expressions, some even seemed to be amused. The blonde put on his typical scowl and began casually walking to his seat.

An out-of-breath pro hero practically burst into the room seconds later, making everyone to slightly jump at the sudden intrusion.

"Sorry Aizawa," He apologized. "Kacchan-"

"Go away ya' fuckin' green haired clown!" Bakugou glared, slumping into his seat.

"But Kacchan-"

"Class has begun." Aizawa interrupted. "Deku, since you're here would you like to assist All Might, Mic, and I in training with several students, one-on-one?"

"Oh um... I would love to." Izuku said trying to ignore the death glare burning into the side of his head. When he finally gave the blonde a glance, he smirked that caused the blonde's heart to stop once again.





"So, I'm Deku but I guess you already know that... and you're Kirishima, correct?"

"Yes sir! Big fan of yours' actually, well you and Crimson Riot."

"Crimson Riot huh? I worked a mission with him back in January, he's pretty awesome."

"What?! You know Crimson Riot? Well of course you do you're the number one hero..."

"Well not every hero knows every hero, I didn't meet Best Jeanist till a few days ago actually." Izuku laughed. "So, if I remember I'll introduce you to him sometime, but first let's work on your quirk."




"Mina, right?"

"Yes sir! I'm so excited to formally meet you! Oh my god! You're so cool!"

"Thank you! How 'bout we do some one-on-ones; I'm interested to see your quirk in action."

A few minutes later, Katsuki sat there praying, to every god he knew of, to be picked before Izuku could pick him.

"Baku-bro!" Kaminari yelled running over to him. "You're up next, with Deku." He pointed behind him with his thumb.

"Oh, fuck me..." He grumbled before angrily stomping towards ground beta.




"Hey Kacchan!"


"Aweee Kacchan don't be mad at me," Izuku said with a fake pout. "I only laughed cause I was caught off guard!"


"You're such a moody teenager." Izuku joked.

"And you're an idiotic adult."

"Fair point. Anyway, love me for a few minutes so I can help you with your 'explodie' hands."

"Explodie hands? Say's Mr. 'Breaks his bones daily'."

"Stop being so sassy."

"Stop being such an asshole." He mocked.

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