Episode 3: "Inko owes me ¥10,000!"

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[Notes: Once again this chapter is shit, I can't fix it. Enjoy]

"Nice, Kacchan!" Izuku said, extending an arm to help the blonde up. "You've improved a lot since I last saw you."

Katsuki looked at the open hand and then up at the person attached, blushing slightly before accepting the help. He took the hand and was pulled up with ease.

"Alright, we got to everyone! Go change, students!" Mic announced.

The two looked at each other for a moment, but when Katsuki took a step to leave, he tripped over a stray rock. He simply accepted his fate, too tired to use his explosions for such a minor reason. He closed his eyes, expecting to smack the ground, but when he opened them, he was seemingly hovering over the ground.

"I never thought you were the clumsy type, Kacchan," Izuku chuckled with his arms crossed smugly.

"What the hell—how the hell—" Katsuki said as he was lifted back to his feet.

"I have other quirks, Kacchan."

"No duh, you fucking moron," he watched as the black tendrils receded.

"So snappy," Izuku said as he turned to walk away.

"WHAT WAS THAT? YOU WANNA DIE, YA BASTARD?!" Katsuki yelled, following him.

The next few days continued in a similar fashion, with Katsuki and Izuku meeting for lunch regularly. Despite Katsuki's internal struggle, he found himself enjoying their time together. The banter, the laughter, and even the occasional teasing felt strangely comforting.

As they spent more time together, Katsuki couldn't deny the growing tension between them. Every accidental touch, every shared smile, it all added to the confusing mix of emotions swirling within him.

Izuku had ended up taking Katsuki as an intern for his school project.

And in the process, Izuku landed himself in the hospital, which was typical of him at this point.

Katsuki slumped in his seat and tapped the pencil on the desk. Class was over in two minutes, but it felt like an eternity. Once class ended, he could finally get to the hospital to see Deku.

He had been stupid enough to get hurt and need surgery. He swore he was going to beat the man's ass when he got there.

Finally, the bell rang, and as soon as it did, Katsuki shot up and slung his school bag around his shoulder. He left the building in a rush, causing him to get a few looks, but he just ignored them.

The boy speed-walked to the hospital as raindrops started to fall faster and faster. When he arrived, he pushed the man's door open sluggishly as his hair drooped and clothes sagged with water.

"You look rough," a deep voice called.

Katsuki's eyes widened, and his head shot up to see a very much fine-looking Izuku. He ran to his bed, jumped on top of him, and squeezed the hero tightly in a hug.


"Don't fuckin' scare me like that," he scowled, sitting up.

"You were scared?" He smirked.

He promptly pressed his thumb into the other's bandaged side.

"OW—OW—OW—I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't!" He begged for mercy.

He received a glare in return; then the door creaked open, revealing Katsuki's mother.

"Was I interrupting something?" She said, giving her son a knowing look paired with a smirk.

He looked down at Izuku, only to realize he was sitting on his lap and his crotch right underneath his ass. Katsuki's eyes went huge, and his face exploded in a red blush as he practically jumped off of him and hid on the other side of the bed.

"Oh, well, too bad. Glad to see you are doing better, Izuku." My mother greeted him.

"It's good to see you again, Auntie," Izuku smiled, with a small blush that was unseen by Bakugou.

"Brat. Why the hell are you wet? I gave you a fucking umbrella."




"Kacchan, calm down. Sorry, Auntie." Izuku cut in, attempting to calm the yelling match down.

"Thank you, Izuku. So respectful," My mother said glaring at her own kid, who only grumbled to himself and sat on the chair beside his bed.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving, so you can spend time with your boyf—"

"SHUT UP! And just leave already, ya' hag!" Katsuki cut her off, knowing damn well what she was about to say. He began to regret the day he told her about his feelings for the man; she never stopped screaming and said, 'Inko owes me ¥10,000!'

She gave him another smug look before taking her leave, finally.

"So Kacchan," Izuku began, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Katsuki shot him a glare, already suspecting where this was going. "Don't start with your shit, Deku."

The green-haired hero chuckled, his bandaged side forgotten. "I was just going to say, you seemed really worried about me. Almost like you care."

Katsuki's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red. "Shut up, nerd. It's not like I care or anything. You just... you are supposed to take care of yourself better, idiot."

Izuku grinned, seemingly unfazed by Katsuki's attempt to deflect. "Sure, Kacchan. Whatever you say."

The banter continued, easing the tension in the room. Katsuki found himself relaxing, realizing how much he loved these moments with Izuku.

As the rain outside intensified, tapping against the window, Katsuki's thoughts turned inward. He couldn't deny the warmth that spread through him whenever he was around Izuku. It wasn't just annoyance or rivalry; it was something more complex, something he hadn't quite figured out yet.

A nurse entered the room, breaking the moment. "Visiting hours are almost over. If you could keep it down, please."

Katsuki nodded, shooting a final scowl at Izuku. "I'll be back tomorrow, nerd. Don't go breaking yourself again."

Izuku waved him off with a grin. "I'll try my best, Kacchan."

Leaving the hospital, Katsuki walked through the rain-soaked streets, lost in thought.

The next day, Katsuki returned to the hospital with a less dramatic entrance, complete with an umbrella. He found Izuku reading a hero magazine and looking far healthier than the day before.

"Finally decided to use an umbrella, huh?" Izuku teased, glancing up from his reading.

"Shut up. I didn't want to hear your nagging again."

They spent the day together, talking about hero work, school, and everything in between. Katsuki even caught himself smiling a few times, a fact that did not go unnoticed by Izuku.

"Look at you, Kacchan. Smiling like you actually like me."

Katsuki scowled. "Don't get used to it, nerd."

As the days passed, Katsuki and Izuku fell into a routine. When Izuku was discharged, they continued to meet for lunch, exchanged teasing banter, and, on occasion, had heart-to-heart conversations that neither of them expected.

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