Episode 6: "See you at lunch tomorrow or I'll kill you"

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very unedited (wrote this like twenty minutes ago)



Things turned out as expected, good at first but then shitty.

Deku left with a crappy goodbye. The shit nerd always sucked at goodbyes. The minimum time period passed fast. Our texts becoming more frequent and personal. It was torture, as the time passed, my feelings only grew. I found myself missing him more and more.


But as all good things do it ended.


At the end of the second month the texts became dry and bland. I didn't confront him because I knew this long of a mission was taking a toll on him. But deep down I knew something was wrong, Deku wasn't acting like Deku anymore. Our conversations became scarce, and stopped after three months.




Deku still wasn't back and school had begun, the media had already began to question his absence.  I had already had the crippling thoughts about what might have happened and why my messages hadn't even been opened and calls gone to voicemail.

Had he been hurt again? kidnapped? killed..?

I felt stupid and weak for worrying about him so much, felt like the girl from twilight.

This time last year he wasn't even a consistent part of my life and now I'm sick at the thought of never seeing him again.




"Bakubro!" Kirishima yelled running up from behind him and throwing an arm around his shoulders.

"What shitty hair?" Katsuki grumbled as he continued walking to class.

"We are having a party in the common room tonight. Want to come?" Kirishima asked already knowing the answer.

Katsuki just sighed and shrugged Kirishima's arm off him. "Shitty hair-" He was interrupted by the sight of his mother standing with Aizawa. Kirishima took the hint and continued on to class.

"Katsuki..." His mother started. "Im here to pick you up."

A pit grew in his stomach as his mind filled with the possibilities of what it could be about. The car ride was agony and grew worse as the missed the turn for his house. l

Once they arrived, they took the elevator and the time went by slow. {oHhhH dramaaa} The endless situations running through my head once more.

I opened the door to reveal a perfectly fine Deku and a perfectly fine Masuru. The breathe he had been holding was released as he sprinted towards the hero. He held on for dear life.

"Kacchan- I can't breathe!" Deku laughed. Katsuki only squeezed harder. "Katsuki-"

"You bastard." Katsuki began to half-heartedly punch him. " You ghosted me! For months!"

"I'm sorry. Katsuki let me explain." Deku said holding Katsuki's balled fists.

The younger boy gave up his struggle and melted into the hero. Small tears cascaded down his face and onto the other's dress shirt. They sat in silence and enjoyed each others presence for awhile. Katsuki's parents left to give them some privacy, of course in hopes they'd own up to their feelings.

"Explain." Katsuki mumbled into his chest.


"Explain why you stopped answering. Why I thought something bad might of happened."

"Kacchan- Katsuki... I had to go undercover for months. And I was discovered and captured. The things they did do me... I can never forget. They've actually put me on a mandatory leave because I'm still healing."

"Who? What did they do? Are you okay? I kill them." Katsuki popped up examining his crush from head to toe. His heart stopped when he saw the scars on his neck he pulled the shirt away to see the cuts extended downwards. "Izuku..."

"Katsuki... I'm not the same person I left as. And I think that it would be best if until I recover, mentally. We should be apart, because I don't want to hurt you Kacchan."

"Shut up. I've been away from you too long already. You can't get rid of me that easily, I'm going to be with you every step of the way." In that moment, the way they looked at each other, they leaned in so close, lips inches apart.

"Katsuki-" His mother interrupted, the two pulled away in a fluster of embarrassment. "OH IM SO SORRY CONTINUE." She slammed the door and left the two in an awkward silence.

"Katsuki-"     "Izuku-" They spoke simultaneously 

"I should go..." Katsuki said standing up.

" Yeah I should probably get going as well." Deku stood.

"I better see you at lunch tomorrow or I'll kill you." Katsuki threatened before leaving.

Not in That Way | I.M. x K.B. |Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu