Episode 7: "The Sleepover Part 1"

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(unedited) (Part 2 coming soon!)

The next day went by agonizingly slow, I was stupidly excited to have Deku back for the first time in months. As soon as the bell rung, I practically leaped out of my seat which cause a few heads to turn but, I couldn't care less about those extras.

I ran up the stairs and burst out the door to the roof. The sky was a crystal blue with several puffs of clouds scattered around. The clouds were pretty but, I had more important matters to attend to. I searched for the perfect place to sit, shady but not too shady. I set my bag down and plopped down on the cool cement.

I had told Deku that I would make him lunch, so I took our lunches out of my bag and set them down beside me. I also decided to buy his favorite candies on the way home last night, so I laid those out too.

After a few minutes of getting distracted by my phone, I heard the door to the roof open. I got nervous that an administrator had caught me up here or that a student had discovered my spot. However I was meet with the one and only Deku, thank the gods. He wore a white dress shirt with black slacks, he looked good but exhausted.

"You look nice." I said patting the ground next to me. He sits down with his sweet smile and tired eyes, sitting further away than normal.

"Thank you."

"Here's your official Bakugou lunch." I hand the container to him with a smirk.

"Ahhh, Thank you. What's on the menu?" He smiles.

"Your favorite."

"Katsudon! Thank you, Kacchan." He said opening the container. I watch him slightly hesitate on the first bite before continuing on, I frowned before I dug into my portion as well.

"So how are your classes going?" Deku asks after he finishes his food. He stuck the candies in his pocket for "later".

"Good, It's a lot less now that I'm a third year. It's more training than anything else." I responded finishing up my own meal.

"Sounds exciting."

"Totally." Awkward. We are never this awkward. "So how are you?"


"No, how are you?" I repeat myself.

"Oh, Um. I... uh... I'm doing better." He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "Who am I kidding- Bad. It's been hard trying to adjust."

"Hey, I mean what I said, I'm here for you. Okay?" I say scooting closer to him. "How much sleep did you get last night?" I asked.

"None." He admitted, avoiding eye contact and picking at his fingernails.

"What can I do to help?" I said taking his hands in mine. "Do you want to face time, or call? Do you want me to come over and be with you?"

"I- I don't want to keep you from sleeping, don't want to bother you." He said.

"You wouldn't be. I want to, so it's decided. I'm staying over. Just like a sleepover." I assured him.

He nodded but stayed silent and we enjoyed the last few minutes of lunch together. I bid him goodbye after a while in our comfortable silence, and I told him I'd be over after everyone had gone to bed, he gave a weak smile in return and we went our separate ways.

After school I practically ran to my dorm, excited to actually be staying over at my crush's apartment. Only the two of us, alone, together, no interruptions. My mind started to stray as I thought of all the possible things that could happen;

I could confess, he could reject me, he could accept. Maybe he would kiss me, perhaps we'd make out, or do other things... Oh my god what if that happens? He's probably way more experienced than me, what if he is into someone with experience? Oh my god, what if he doesn't enjoy it because he's to focus on me being a newbie.

Stop. Tonight is about him. Not me. He needs me to be there for him. I should bother him with my stupid feelings.

I began to pack a small bag with my necessities. I had forgotten to eat but I figured he would have something for me to snack on. I grabbed my bag and texted him, I carefully slipped out of my room into the dark hallway. I took my time to be as stealthy and quiet as possible, last thing I wanted to do was have to explain where I was going to and extra or sensei.

I made my way out of the dorms and to the empty train station in a good amount of time. When I boarded my train I took the seat closest to the door, I mentally lectured myself about keeping my feelings in check and to not do anything unless he initiates it, after that lame ass pep talk I played games on my phone. After a boring and quiet train ride I stepped off at my stop onto a just as empty platform and checked my phone for his address again. He had responded to my earlier message saying he was waiting.


I felt like a school girl. Disgusting.

I shrugged it off and continued on my journey eventually arriving at the quiet apartment. I took a deep breathe, mentally prepared, and knocked.

"Ewwww gay." -Author

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