They come home to see the cops questioning you at the front door

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He honestly forgot he was part of a family as he hurried up and asked what's happening here. His only concern was; "my partner is in trouble!". Only as the cop questioned who he is did Tommy internally beat himself up. He realized he is still safe though so he acted normal; giving his name while wrapping his arm around your waist to give the good happy couple image.

He waved bye as the cop left. Once out of sight he went inside, shutting the door; sighing that was so stupid of him then asked you why they were here and what they were asking.


He stopped as he saw the cop. He began chewing his nails, wondering if this is the end and what the hell you could be telling them. His foot began tapping the ground, debating what he should do. He decided to stay back as even he knows he might say some wrong stuff, especially as he grows nervous.

Once they left he hurried to the door, asking what the hell you told them. You answered him then told him to stop chewing his nails but he argued if he wants to chew his nails he'll chew his damn nails. He called Sam about this, to which he got scolded to not talk of this stuff on the telephone and meet up at the bar.


He stayed back, hiding at the end of the street, acting as if he's just a man having a smoke while on a walk. He watched closely at your and the cop's faces; reading the expressions and body language. Mentally he was lecturing you on what to do and making empty threats if you dare let the cops get suspicious for even a second. When the cops left he was quick to act oblivious and walk the other way; like just a man on his walk.

Once they were two streets away he hurried to the house. He smacked on the door and when you opened it he pushed through, demanding what the fuck that was and what you told them while saying "I swear to fucking God if you said anything wrong to him" then asking why you would even talk to them. He tried to stay calm but in his mind this meant they are gonna be caught so you calmed him down.


He was driving when he saw the cop car in front of the house so he drove past and parked further away. Then he hurried to the back of the house and sneaked in through the bathroom window before going to eavesdrop. Each time you answered well he praised you in his mind. When you said something sketchy he cursed you out in his mind as his stress and pressure rose so much he began turning red and sweating.

When you said 'goodbye officer' and shut the door he appeared making you snatch the closest object as weapon, yelping so he was quick to assure you it's just him and it's fine. He took the object from you while asking what that was all about..


He cursed as he stopped before the garage. He was just enjoying his music so much that he didn't even notice the damn cop car. So now he can't just drive off, that be more suspicious! So he parked the car inside the garage then casually approached the door, greeting the cop in a friendly tone then giving you a kiss and hug. The hug was excuse so you could whisper the basics of why the cop is here. He gave your ear a kiss as praise for understanding why he gave the hug then turned to the cop and asked if he can help with anything.

He acted friendly and as if he had nothing to hide. Inviting them in for a cup of coffee, joking he won't tell anyone if they take a beer. When they left he waved bye then immediately called some of how the cops stopped by so they best keep an eye out.


He stayed calm. He walked up to the front, greeting the cop first with a proper hand shake then gave your cheek a kiss, chuckling to portray a carefree and innocent attitude while assuring you you can go inside and he'll take over. But the cop said you can stay so Henry had to keep back a frown so instead gave a nod with a smile, saying of course. He invited them inside but they declined. He found it very annoying he couldn't figure out by their attitude if they know something or not and that they won't go in on his actions.

The chat was short, meaning he missed the main points. They left. He waved bye to them then asked you, eyes still on the cop car, what the fuck that was about and if he should be alarmed. You explained so he guided you inside and shut the door to ensure no one is spying.

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