If you are the one who comes up with the plans

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He does as told. He will just have curious questions to be ready for all and to be sure he's not being send onto a suicide run. When you told him you would never send him on a mission you aren't sure of, he chuckled and assured you he knows, just making sure he got all the details.


He likes when things go crazy and the plan gets ruined because that's always more fun and thrilling. So no matter how good your planning was it will somehow go wrong. When you are arguing with him about it he's shouting back he didn't purposefully do it and things just went that way. After enough arguments now he does tries to stick to the plans more, but he still prefers the chaos over the perfectly planned out one.


He will keep double checking, which eventually made you ask if he doesn't trust you in this. He shrugged to it, defending he can double check because this involves his and other people's safety. So the coming up with plans and giving out the tasks is always an annoying part between you two as there's a lack of trust and a slight annoyance from him that the Don trusts you with this instead of him.


He just follows whatever plan is given to him. He's not arguing. He was a soldier, he's used to being ordered around and learned to have no issue with it. So he takes it and executes it perfectly. When Joe wants to mess around he's quick to deny, also just because he doesn't need you on his ass about it. When Joe complains he's boring Vito complains back he has to live with you after this so he rather follow the plan and make you happy than mess around and make you angry. Though if the plan gets broken and he meets up with you again he's quick to throw Joe under the bus.


He finds it stupid and time waste. He knows it's needed at times but it's not for him, so he's glad you do it. He'll be bothering you the whole time as you are trying to come up with the plan until you have to yell at him to stop it. Once it's done and you can start explaining it to him he's listening with full attention, actually serious now as a good plan can make the difference between success or failure; life or death. Once you are finished explaining he gives you a kiss, thanking you for your hard work then gets to executing this plan.


He doesn't say anything, but his doubtful and narrowed eyes say enough to show how he doesn't fully support the plans. He rather do the planning himself, it gives him assurance, and he has excellent people he can get the right information from for each plan. But he doesn't go against your plans; still follows them to the exact dot. Even if you were to tell him he has to jump off a roof he would ask what the hell you are talking about, which he asks while running to jump off the roof.

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