When you call them cute

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This is a very random scenario I thought of. Requests are always open.


He gave you a confused expression, awkwardly asking with a chuckle why you say that, wondering if that's a good or a bad thing. When you shrugged and said he is just cute sometimes, he chuckled again and thanked you, mumbling a "I guess" at the end of the thanks because he was still unsure if that's a good or a bad thing.


He laughed, not having expected to suddenly be called cute by his lover before he asked you what's cute. When you told him, he shook his head and said he's handsome. He said it more in a joking manner because he doesn't consider himself handsome, and definitely not cute.


He was quick to point, telling you he's many things but cute is not one of them. When you told him he is very cute though, he sighed, not really wishing to be called cute. He told you that he isn't cute before he changed the topic to something else.


He thought back to when his mother would call him a cute boy when he was little so he couldn't help but chuckle. When he saw your confused expression, he told you that his mother would always call him a cute boy when he was little.


He had a good laugh when you said that, telling you he's not cute. When you said he is, he said he isn't. After you said it many times, he held up his hands in defeat, saying he is cute before jokingly adding that he is the cutest man in the world.


He chuckled, confused what caused you to call him cute before he told you in a joking manner that he's handsome, not cute. When you told him he can be both, he just chuckled and didn't go further into the subject.

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