If you are the best shooter

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I'm replaying Mafia 1 and 2, and I think I might have been doing Paulie and Sam a bit out of character so sorry for that.


He usually has to drive you to your location so on the way will both be talking as if you aren't about to go kill someone. Sometimes he will curiously ask who it is you are killing or what it feels like to do that. He struggles with killing people, especially up close, so seeing you do it and be so damn good at it is so conflicting to him and makes him wonder if there's something wrong with him for finding it so difficult. Though that thought quickly stops when he remembers everyone in the family is the weird ones for being so okay with murder and he's the normal one for being so conflicted by it each time.


If he's on a mission, under fire, panicking as the enemies are starting to get closer, and then you appear he gets so excited and optimistic. He knows when you appear victory is on their side and you will have this dealt with quick and precise. He always loudly greets you with such a big smile. Seeing you take each shot and not once missing is the weirdest turn on. He usually just starts blasting out of excitement, and to feel as if he's also helping out. Once finished he will ramble to you about how cool you were, snickering about certain ways he saw the enemy die in silly or unusual ways.


He likes having you tag along: it's an assurance that if it all goes wrong you will both come out of it alive. As you go to your next location he will usually give an off hand good luck, feeling as if he doesn't even need to give it to you as you always somehow shoot bullseye. When there's no work and all just have to wait around he will use some empty beer bottles and place them down before telling you to go so you will shoot them all without missing, making him chuckle and feel weirdly proud.


He once joked he could have used you on his squad during the war, would have won all battles with ease. It shocks him each time and he believes you could probably win battles without looking as you take your shots. He considers himself a good shooter, definitely the best out of him, Joe, Marty, and Henry, but aside you his skills suddenly seem so amateur. Sometimes he has to drive you to your location. He learned not to ask questions so even though he's curious he will talk about different things. He can't help but keep eyeing your gun during the drive, wondering how you will do it, where the kill will take place, and if there might be a fight. He wants to come with to ensure it all goes okay but if your mission is to be done alone and he wasn't told to go with or he has his own mission then obviously he can't tag along and will have to just trust you in being able to handle it. He knows you can handle it, he just can't help but worry about it.


Usually optimistic curses with a big grin will come out of him when he sees each shot taken so accurate. He has you shoot a lot of stuff. He will put down stuff like cans and bottles, always trying to pick the smallest and/or thinnest thing, and then see if you can hit it. He talks to Vito and Henry about it on boring rides, usually with a "how the fuck do they do it?!" tone and hand gestures, or tease to Vito that you might just be a better shooter than him. If he has to work on a task with you he makes you go first, chuckling you are the best shooter here so you go first and protect their asses.


He doesn't really have much to say or think about it. Be in this business long enough and you just become a better shooter with time. Though one day he asked you how you became to be such a good shooter. You answered it. His next question was how it makes you feel so you gave a shrug, muttering get used to it. His next question was weird: how many you have killed, and suddenly you got suspicious and felt as if you were being questioned. The unease was too big so you asked if he's become a cop or something, to which he held up his hands a bit, mumbling just curious. Silence fell after this, and to all Henry looked normal now but you known him long enough to tell that crease between his eyebrows is because he's conflicted about something, but you couldn't tell about what so decided to write it off as him just wondering how big your body count is.

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