Once a Bhallspawn....

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The bells were ringing in Baldurs gate. It is the first time, since the attack from the elder brain that they have been ringing. Shiveria, in her room in the elfsong tavern is looking at herself in the mirror. Wearing a beautiful purple dress with gold accents, it hits her. She is about to become Shiveria Dekarios. She then feels ice cold. She escaped her father, Bhaal. She knew nothing of what it means to be a wife. Heck, she did not know how to be a lover to Gale, but he loved her enough to marry her.

Shiv has always been self conscious. Gale bedded a goddess, and Shiv knew she did not compare. She was a High Elf who all she cared about was killing people in her father's name. Her hair of red and orange that looked like it was on fire shows that. Why am I still worrying about father? He removed his blood from me.. I am free.... Right? She did not have time to go deeper in thought when she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" Shiv said, looking at the mirror still. Out of the corner of her eyes she sees the door open and Shadowheart walks in wearing a purple dress to match Shiv. She was her maid of honor after all.

"Are you still not ready? Not having cold feet are you?" Shadowheart quipped. Shiv looked at her. "I mean kind of. I don't know what it means to be a wife..." Shadowheart sighs and walks to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. "It doesn't seem like it is any different from what you are doing now, but it is just official. Besides Astarion is letting us use Cazador's palace so we could invite some of the spawn to join. It seems like alot the whole of Baldur's Gate is out to watch you marry. " Shiv shuddered. She does not like all the attention on her.

"Come on, it is time. I will help you walk down the aisle." Shadowheart offers a hand out to Shiv. Shiv looks at it for a second and slowly reaches for her hand. "What would I do without you?" "You would probably be Bhaal's Chosen." Shadowheart smiled and they walked out of the room together.

Shiv was waiting outside the ballroom doors for what felt like an eternity. She was nervous, the crowd as she walked here was huge. Everyone it seemed lined the streets and cheered her on, congratulated her, and Shiv let herself enjoy it. But now, she is about to vow herself to a man who she pulled out of a sigil, who she still doesn't know what Gale sees in her. It has been two months and Gale is orb free having returned the crown to Mystra, but he was gone a whole month. I wonder what they did all that time.. She shook the doubt from her head. No he would never do that to her. She looked down at her left hand and saw the ring Gale had given her before he left. It was a gold band adorned with Rubies, Shiv's favorite stone. She smiled, remembering how he gave it to her.

It was near the steel watch factory, or what remained of it when Gale slid the ring on her finger. "I promise I will be back soon once I give the crown to Mystra and free myself of this orb. Then we can start our life together." He placed his hand on her cheek. What if you don't want to come back? What if you decide you still.." She did not get a chance to finish that sentence when Gale placed his mouth on hers kissing her with such a fire and passion, that he could have melted the whole world. He broke the kiss and looked right into her eyes. "None of that now. No negative talk. I love you, and only you. Surely you must know that. I am not the type to throw the L-word around lightly. You are the one for me" Shiv smiled at him and after one last kiss he the summoned the weave and went to go turn the crown in to Mystra.

Shiv snaps back to reality when she hears the doors open. Inside she sees the ballroom decorated with purple, gold and some red. Astarion outdid himself. The fact he allowed them to use this space, despite its history with it and him made Shiv appreciate so much more. The room was filled with people, most she did not recognize at first. She then spotted Gale, in the front next to Astarion, his best man. Wyll went with Karlach to Avernus and since it was always Shiv, Shadowheart, Astarion and Gale it was only fitting he was the best man. Astarion, has changed since that day. Not by much, as he is still a self absorbed jerk at times, but he did reject that power, and since then mainly lives in the underdark with the other spawn. He also rekindled a relationship with Sebastian, who Shiv spots near the front. As she starts to walk, slowly more that she knew came into view. Halsin, Jaheria, Minsc and Boo were also in the front and they all looked at her, smiling. She smiled and tried to play the part of a happy bride, as best as she knew how. When Shiv got to the alter and took Gale's hand and faced the priest, suddenly the crowd, the people none of it mattered. All she could see was her, Gale and the cleric, as they vowed to love one another for the rest of their days.

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