Chapter 11.

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I find myself staring into nothingness, blinking a few times in an attempt to process the weight of the information I've just received. It leaves me in a state of bewilderment, and before I can even formulate any follow-up questions, everything begins fading away, as if it were a mere mirage. Suddenly, I regain consciousness, left with a frustrating sense of disbelief. Son of a bitch.

Opening my eyes, I was met with the soft, caring gaze of Elizabeth. Her beautiful smile brought forth a warmth I couldn't quite explain, but it made me feel oddly good. Why was I feeling so awkward in her presence? Come on, Lambert, say something and stop staring like a creep. Oh, goodness... Why was I acting this way? I had interacted with many women before, so why did I feel like a clumsy thirteen-year-old going through puberty? Enough of this crap Leviathan, grow a pair and do something; for instance get your ass up.

Awkwardly clearing my throat, I managed to extricate myself from the bed and, in true clumsy fashion, collided with my nightstand. Grimacing in pain and annoyance, I couldn't help but berate myself internally for my lack of grace. Great job, Lambert, great job indeed. It seems even my own thoughts are mocking me now. I half expected a cliché moment where Elizabeth would come rushing over, asking if I was alright.

Sure enough, before I could anticipate it, Elizabeth's concerned voice filled the room, asking if I was okay. She approached me with genuine worry in her eyes, offering a soothing shoulder rub akin to what a mother does for her child after a little mishap. I couldn't help but feel like a walking cliché, and it only served to highlight the depth of my current state. Oh, how far I've fallen, indeed.

Cursing under my breath, I reassured Elizabeth that I was fine, mustering a small smile. She affectionately patted my head before stepping away from me. Despite the awkwardness, her caring actions were appreciated, and I silently resolved to regain my composure and navigate through this situation in a more collected manner.

Just as my attention shifted to my surroundings, I suddenly realized that the room was noticeably devoid of any activity. Elizabeth, observing my curious gaze, spoke up to provide some clarity. "It seems everyone has returned to their rooms. You were out for quite a while; it's actually nine thirty right now," she explained, helping me make sense of the quietness and the absence of others.

Taking in her words, I nodded in understanding. It was comforting to have Elizabeth there, offering an explanation and bringing me up to speed. I appreciated her thoughtfulness in filling me in on the details.

Why didn't you go with them? You must be tired too, and we also have that quiz tomorrow..." I began, questioning why Elizabeth had stayed behind. But before I could finish my sentence, she interrupted me abruptly, flashing a warning smile as she spoke. "Someone needed to watch over you, and don't you dare argue. I volunteered to stay back; I wanted to look out for you, okay?" Her words, coupled with that smile, made me melt like butter. Regardless of the reason, I couldn't help but feel grateful that she wanted to stay with me. I may not show it outwardly, but meeting someone like her has been a special experience.

As I took in my surroundings again, I noticed that Elizabeth had a broom in her right hand. Her white apron, adorned with delicate little flowers, caught my eye as well. Oh no, I hope she didn't cook and clean my room. The thought of it made me slightly anxious.
"I felt bad about the mess we made in here, so I took the initiative to clean up. Oh, and I also prepared dinner for you. I thought you might be starving, so I made lamb. I hope you like it," Elizabeth explained as she folded the clothes that she and the others had been wearing. The aroma of the meal filled the room, making my stomach growl in response.

As she spoke, a surprising thought entered my mind, causing my thoughts to jumble momentarily. "She would make a great wife..." I caught myself thinking and quickly dismissed it, feeling a bit embarrassed by the sudden and unexpected idea. Clearing my throat, I tried to compose myself and strengthen my voice, as if there was something lodged in my throat.

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