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What does it mean to be alive, to live life to the fullest? What is the meaning of life?

While the cycle of birth, reproduction, and growing old is a fundamental part of life, it's only one aspect of our existence. Life encompasses so much more! It's about experiencing the world, connecting with others, finding joy and meaning in the things we love, and leaving our mark in some way, big or small.

As for being part of the food chain, well, we humans are indeed part of the intricate tapestry of life on this planet. We coexist with other organisms and play different roles, just as nature intended. We have the capacity to be both predators and prey, depending on the circumstances. But it's important to remember that we also have the power to choose kindness, compassion, and stewardship towards the world and its inhabitants.

Honestly, why am I thinking of this; I am simply far too busy doing absolutely.... nothing. Will no one come for me?

I wonder what being in love feels like. Do you really feel butterflies in your stomach every time you are around your lover, or do you see fireworks every time you look into their eyes? What total nonsense, or as the common folks say, what total pig shit. Love is simply an attraction you have towards someone, that desire you feel is simply sexual tension, you want to pursue intercourse with that person, and it is our genetic makeup driving both sexes to fornicate in order to reproduce. Such is the way of nature.

If you tell me love drove your stupid actions, I will simply tell you, that so-called love you are driven by is your libido at play. In fairy tale books, they will tell you that the prince and the princess at first glance fell in love, and they were married and lived happily ever after. In real life, if the prince was bald headed, with a round belly, and the princess was of common beauty. I guarantee you that at first glance; both the prince and princess would have turned on their heels and looked the other way. Thus, proving that love is just an attraction you feel towards someone, and your so-called acts of love are just your loins taking charge on the situation. Yeah yeah, do not get your panties in a bunch. We all have our ideologies on the subject. If I ever experience the so-called fireworks, I will tell you how it feels like.

Death, what is death anyway? Is it like sleeping, but never waking up? When you die is there an afterlife? Does your soul travel to the so-called paradise that is Heaven, or the flaming inferno that is Hell. Alternatively, is it just an illusion? Is death just a corpse decomposing in the ground and becoming one with nature? Who knows? I bet it is painful dying, having your body slowly giving away, as you stubbornly fight to stay alive.

Can you imagine the most painful way to die, burning to death? Drowning or suffocating perhaps? How about stabbed to death, or eaten alive? HIHIIHI.humans are so delicate, such frail creatures. Am I human? No, I do not believe so. After all, I am not delicate as an antique vase, at lease the vase has value. People pay a lot to acquire antiquities, because it has value and they have love for rare old artifacts. Should one day I become one with nature.would anyone morn me? . Even care for that matter. No, I do not believe so.

After all, unlike everyone else, I have no friends, family, lover, colleagues, or a community. I am not sad thought; it would be pointless to associate myself with forming connections or the so-called bond with people. Because in end, like always, I will outlive them all, I will watch the people I love start a family, have children, grown old until their bodies gives away. Whilst I stay the same, no wrinkles, not a single gray hair, youthful, and all alone. Such is the burden for being an immortal.

If you're feeling a bit lost in contemplating the meaning of life, take a moment to breathe and be present. Sometimes, the answers we seek reveal themselves in unexpected ways, and it's okay to not have everything figured out right away. You may find clarity by engaging in activities, exploring new interests, or connecting with others who share similar inquiries.

And remember, you're not alone on this journey. While I'm here to assist you, embrace the curiosity and adventure that life offers. Keep exploring, keep questioning, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need a helping hand!

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