Chapter 4.

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After a brief lecture on glyphs, runes, and incantation. Miss Silvia brought her students outside to test their abilities. Lambert looked around the group of misfits, only Nickolas and Tristan displayed eagerness to begin, the other students seemed more inclined to bask in the sunlight, desiring relaxation over exertion.

With a strong, commanding voice, Miss Silvia urged her students to showcase their true abilities, emphasizing that grades alone would not be enough to advance in their ranks. Lambert observed as Elizabeth, with her striking pink hair, confidently stepped forward from her position under the shaded tree to face off against Nickolas, who materialized a sword with impressive skill.

"Alright, you swines, this is the moment to reveal your true strengths. Remember, this is not just about proving yourselves individually, but also about learning from one another and growing together as a cohesive unit."

The atmosphere crackled with expectation as Elizabeth squared her shoulders, ready to prove her mettle. Nickolas, determined to treat her as an equal, declared that he wouldn't go easy on her based on her gender.

"Now is the time to embrace the power within and demonstrate not only your skills but also your capacity as allies and comrades. By supporting one another, you can create an unbreakable bond, fostering an environment of mutual growth and success."

As the clash between Elizabeth and Nickolas loomed, Silvia wished them both luck, hoping that the outcome would ignite a sense of camaraderie and inspire the rest of the students. The journey towards strength and power was not just about individual triumphs but about lifting one another to new heights.

In the midst of the intense duel between Elizabeth and Nickolas, sparks crackled and glyphs materialized, showcasing the immense power they possessed. Elizabeth chanted incantations, summoning magical glyphs that created a blast of fire, narrowly missing Nickolas. Unfazed, Nickolas displayed remarkable agility, evading the flames as he charged towards Elizabeth with unwavering determination.

Lambert, spectating in awe, couldn't help but be amazed by Elizabeth's hidden potential and Nickolas' impressive acrobatics. However, to preserve his pride, he kept his admiration hidden, determined not to boost Nickolas' ego with compliments. The clash between these two talented individuals reached its climax as they reached a stalemate. Nickolas held his blade against Elizabeth's neck while she had created a rune on the ground, ready to explode if he made a wrong move.

Witnessing this standoff, Miss Silvia wisely called the duel a draw, no doubt recognizing the potential danger of a further clash. With a quick decision, she moved on to announce the next opponents: Levy, the girl with orange hair, and Dorian Law, Silvia's own laid-back brother, who seemed to have a penchant for lounging on a floating couch.

The white-Goons observed the intense battle between Dorian and Levy as they showcased their remarkable transformation and warding abilities. Dorian's morph into an albino tiger which was met with Levy's impenetrable ward, leaving Dorian to shift tactics and transform into a majestic unicorn. Lambert and his classmates watched in awe, realizing the rarity and difficulty of such a transformation, which required immense magical power and skill.

Polymorphous, the ability to transform into mythical creatures, was a highly specialized practice that only qualified mages, like the Law family, delved into. Unqualified magic users attempting such a transformation risked disastrous consequences. The Law family, renowned experts in transformation magic, excelled in such unique abilities.

With Dorian charging at the ward with his unicorn horn, the impact shattered the barrier, sending Levy flying. However, just as Levy regained her composure to retaliate with a spell, Dorian abruptly transformed back into his human form, collapsing onto his couch and snoring peacefully.

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