Chapter 6.

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After a long day of navigating the school's curriculum and sorting through class schedules, Lambert finally retreated to his dorm room on the sixth floor of the castle. Exhausted, he gratefully sank down onto the soft duvet. Lambert, a member of an illustrious family, was fortunate to have his own room, distinct from the dorm rooms below. It resembled a small modern apartment, equipped with all the necessities one could imagine.

As Lambert looked around his room, he appreciated the convenience and comfort it offered. The space included a well-appointed kitchen, a private bathroom, and a cozy living room complete with functional electronics. A dedicated study area lined with shelves of research books provided him with a conducive space to focus on his studies. Not to mention, Lambert's room had a balcony that afforded him an extraordinary view of the sunset, almost surreal in its beauty.

Breathing a sigh of contentment, Lambert relished the tranquil environment of his personal haven. It served as a refuge from the demanding challenges of school life.

Lambert, being a Leviathan, acknowledged the potential perks that came with his family name. However, he emphasized that he wasn't motivated by the benefits or the exploitation of his lineage. While he recognized the importance of his education, Lambert had other priorities as well.

After leaving the comforting embrace of his silks, Lambert took a thorough sweep of his room, attentively searching for any hidden cameras or devices that could compromise his privacy. Assured that his space was secure, he retrieved his secure laptop from his luggage in the corner and began browsing through a series of hidden notes tucked away within.

The notes Lambert discovered contained extensive information regarding the investigation into his father's death. They consisted of reports, evidence, and classified information that Lambert had painstakingly gathered throughout his teenage years. Lambert's path during those formative years was quite different from the typical experiences of partying with friends, getting high behind parking lots, breaking curfew for no reason, or navigating first crushes.

The tragic loss of his father had a profound impact on Lambert's life. Instead of engaging in carefree activities, he became consumed by the mystery surrounding his father's sudden and unexplained death. Dishearteningly, the investigators provided little explanation to Lambert and his mother, denying them the opportunity to properly comprehend the incident or even see their loved one's body.

As Lambert delved deeper into the hidden notes, the weight of his determination to uncover the truth weighed heavily upon him. These revelations spurred him on a quest for justice, pushing him to find answers and seek closure for the loss he and his family had endured.
Lambert was far from willing to return to a sense of normalcy after uncovering the devastating truth about his father's death. He couldn't simply brush aside the nagging feeling that something was amiss and that the official story surrounding his father's demise didn't add up.

With a resolute determination, Lambert meticulously analyzed the reports he had acquired through less-than-conventional means. These reports hinted at his father's investigation into peculiar incidents within the academy. They revealed a disturbing symbol, depicting the ominous figure of the grim reaper wielding a scythe in one hand and cradling a skull in the other.

These revelations only fueled Lambert's suspicions further. He couldn't accept the widely held belief that his father had valiantly fought against those seeking to eradicate magic. Lambert knew deep down that there was more to the story, and he was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

As Lambert delved further into his investigation, he discovered an unnerving connection between the symbol and its appearance on the desk of a senior professor of alchemy at the academy. The symbol, replicated in blood, raised even more questions about its origins and significance. The school board, in an attempt to conceal this incident, had done their best to cover it up. However, Lambert recognized the power of his family's influence, and he knew he could use it to his advantage.

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