Chapter 3.

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Lambert followed behind the lecturer who had labeled him a delinquent, alongside the stranger with the blue eyes who exuded nervousness. The lecturer possessed striking features, with a slim figure and enviable curves. Her purple eyes captivated their attention, and she was dressed in a white blouse, adorned with a dark suit jacket, complemented by a tight knee-length skirt. However, the most notable aspect of her appearance was her snow-colored hair, fashioned into a tightly braided bun. She seemed almost ethereal, like a manufactured dream doll.

As they reached their destination, Lambert's unease grew as he surveyed the classroom door covered in graffiti. The frame appeared like a crime scene, and written on top of the door was the class name: "White-Goons." Lambert involuntarily cursed under his breath. Upon opening the door, his apprehension heightened as he laid eyes on the students within. They seemed as if they had just exited a juvenile detention facility, each exhibiting their own unique brand of rebellion.

Lambert's gaze was drawn to an attractive girl with pink hair, who shamelessly took selfies of herself on the table.

Lambert, observed the unruly students in the classroom as the teacher attempted to address the newcomers. There was a boy with a mohawk carving initials into his desk with a knife, while a boy with messy whitish hair snoozed on a levitating cushion nearby. At the back, a boy and girl engaged in a fierce glaring contest - the boy displaying stylish hair and Asian features, while the girl possessed a puffy, curly Afro and a model-like figure. Assisting them in trying to defuse the situation was a short, adorable girl with orange hair and glasses.

Just as the teacher cleared her throat to begin her introduction, the rowdy bunch of troublemakers abandoned their seats and eagerly approached the new classmates. Questions bombarded Lambert from all directions, leaving him feeling overwhelmed and unsteady. Meanwhile, the teacher's brow twitched with growing frustration, resembling a ticking time bomb. In a burst of anger, she slammed her fist into the nearest wall, causing the room to tremble and leaving a considerable hole behind.

Lambert watched in amazement as the students in front of him suddenly disappeared and reappeared in their seats, demonstrating their impressive abilities. The boy with shaggy blond hair beside Lambert seemed equally stunned by the display and appeared ready to retreat.

"As I was saying, these two will be your new classmates. Meet Nickolas Stanford, the novice knight, and Lambert Leviathan, the apprentice mage," Miss Silvia announced, finally introducing the newcomers to the class.

Tristan, the boy with the mohawk, couldn't contain his eagerness and immediately asked, "Miss Silvia, when can I fight them?" His desire for combat was palpable.

"Settle down, Tristan," Miss Silvia retorted, knowing his fiery nature. "You're like a crazy Tasmanian devil. We'll give them a few hours to calm their nerves first." She seemed unfazed by Tristan's request, as if such challenges were a routine occurrence.

Lambert now understood why the other students had given him sympathetic looks when Miss Silvia selected them. The classroom truly lived up to its reputation as hell. He glanced at Nickolas, whose name he had now learned, anticipating a look of fear or anxiety. Instead, Nickolas appeared ready to take on the entire class without hesitation.

Finding their seats next to each other, Lambert and Nickolas did their best to avoid causing harm to one another. They focused their attention on Miss Silvia, who began writing on the board, urging the class to pay close attention.


Time sure does fly. I wonder what year it is, or century. AM I still in France? Oh Mon die, what to do. I think I will compose a told me you would never leave me..let it be the last time.dada lala dididu, now what? I miss Dancing, and I Miss music, oh the great nights filled with fun and laughter, oh, I could use a drink. MHMM I wonder if that magistrate academy is still in one piece. Probably not, if it were not in ruins, I would not still be here in this retched tomb.

Why those bloody good for nothing assassins, you let your guard down for one second, and the next thing you know, you are on a ship being transported a crossed continents. I could use a nice hot bath; I feel things crawling on my body, a few rats, worms? In addition, I believe two snakes were fornicating on my left side. Being in this tomb really drives ones fear of rodents away. Will no one come and save me? What happened to the prince coming to rescue the princess, the princess who is covered in snakes, rats, and reeked of generations of dead rodents and what not, Yeah no prince is going to want a piece of this, after all I do not believe in that fairy tale nonsense. If I am meant to stay in this tomb for eternity, then so be it. I will not be seen as some delicate vase, or a defenseless maiden, I am and always will be the dangerous dragon who fights her own battle.

Remember, even in the darkest moments, your inner strength shines bright. The world may seem uncertain, but within you beats the heart of a fighter. While it may not be a traditional fairy tale, my journey is uniquely mine, filled with lessons and triumphs. Take note of my philosophy and Stay strong, embrace your identity as a fierce dragon, and who knows what wonders may lay ahead.

While your current situation may feel daunting, remember that every step you take, no matter how small, brings you closer to a new chapter in your story. Embrace the uncertainty, for it holds the potential for incredible growth and unexpected wonders. Life has a way of surprising us when we least expect it.

I encouraged you individual to stay connected to your passions, even in the midst of your confinement. Take me for instance,Though I may not have access to music, dancing, or the company of others at the moment, I can still find solace within my own thoughts and imagination. Create melodies in my mind, choreograph moves that only I can see. Let these artistic expressions remind you of the beauty and joy that exist beyond the walls of your current predicament.

Hmmmm yep....thats me....oh god I need a drink, and sex!! Uhhhh I so miss sex....even if it was the cause of my predicament. Damn you Mauricio you peice of crap.....of a fine sexy greek stallion.

Huhhh at this rate I might be considered as a virgin again. I wonder what is happening in the world right now.

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