Chapter 10.

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In Lambert's room, the lingering scent of roasted flesh hung heavy in the air, serving as a reminder of the intense electrical encounter. The delinquents, now gathered in a more composed manner, murmured sincere apologies to a visibly irritated Lambert. Despite his efforts to regain his composure, Lambert struggled to rein in his turbulent emotions, feeling a surge of anger that tempted him to unleash his electrical power on his classmates once more, solely as a means of catharsis.

However, a rational part of Lambert acknowledged that perhaps he had taken his actions a step too far, blurring the lines between scenarios reminiscent of the Terminator and Pennywise. Reflecting on the unfolding events, he grappled with a sense of guilt. After all, his classmates had initially offered their assistance without hesitation, willingly joining the quest to uncover the truth surrounding his father's disappearance. They had selflessly provided aid and support, putting aside their concerns and questions about the potential dangers lurking in their pursuit.

Realizing their genuine intentions and acknowledging the kindness extended to him, Lambert couldn't help but feel a twinge of remorse for his heated reaction. It became evident that finding a way to apologize and seek a path towards reconciliation was necessary in order to restore harmony among the group. It was crucial to address the impacts of his actions and foster an environment of understanding and cooperation moving forward.

However, Lambert couldn't escape the gripping hold of guilt as the memory resurfaced. Admitting to himself that he had taken pleasure in tormenting his classmate, a dark satisfaction arose from showcasing his perceived superiority. Suppressing his laughter, Lambert reflected on the failed attempt by Dorian and Nickolas to bring him down. They had delivered a grand speech about heroism and displayed their knight-like camaraderie, only for it to be revealed as mere empty words. Dorian's fumbled attempt to trip Nickolas as he made a desperate break for the bathroom played out like a comedy of errors. The recollection amused Lambert, resulting in a light chuckle that sent his new friends' gazes turning suspicious and questioning their safety in his presence.

Lamberts P.O.V.

I couldn't help but notice this unusual sensation that envelops me whenever I'm in the presence of these seemingly foolish individuals. It's a strange feeling, yet undeniably pleasant - one that I never want to let go of. This experience is entirely new to me, like a captivating phenomenon that has ignited something within me. Well, at least that's how it feels to me.

Intriguing questions arise as I find myself reflecting on the nature of this connection. Could this be what friendship truly feels like? Does it mirror the emotions my Papa felt when he reminisced about his time at the academy with his fellow peers? The parallels between our experiences beckon me to explore this strange and beautiful territory even further.

Now I understand why my mom always had that strangely excited look whenever she embarked on her secret trips with her girlfriends. This concept of friendship is a force to be reckoned with, captivating and even addictive, if I'm being honest with myself. It leaves me pondering whether it serves as a source of strength or vulnerability. Lost in contemplation, I observed my classmates engaged in a spirited debate about why the spell had failed. Normally, my thoughts would be consumed by my father's case, but now, memories of being around my classmates invaded my mind.

What is happening to me? Shouldn't I be focusing solely on solving my father's mysterious disappearance instead of forging these unexpected and cherished connections with these delinquents? It's confusing and, if I'm being honest, a bit frustrating as well.

As my gaze unexpectedly locked with Elizabeth's, a rush of emotions engulfed me. Her loving smile radiated warmth and acceptance, causing an unexplained dryness to creep into my throat. Surprisingly, an inexplicable urge to embrace her in a hug washed over me, leaving me momentarily conflicted. I quickly snapped myself out of it, pinching myself to regain control and prevent any impulsive actions.

The Royal Magistrate Academy.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ