Chapter 7.

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After the intense punishment had concluded, Silvia shifted gears and began to impart her wisdom to the students, eager to equip them with the knowledge they needed to face swift adversaries. The hushed atmosphere in the room was a stark contrast to the lingering discomfort in their bodies and the weight on their hearts, serving as a powerful reminder of the consequences of not heeding Silvia's teachings.

Silvia, with a cheerful demeanor, guided her attentive students through the process of mastering shorter incantations, designed specifically for quick combat. As she effortlessly demonstrated how to materialize weapons, the students watched in awe, inspired by her expertise and the ease with which she summoned her baton, a symbol of authority, resting prominently on her front desk for all to see.

Amidst the intense focus and the silent determination of the students, a newfound sense of respect and fear emerged-respect for Silvia's prowess and fear of the consequences of failing to grasp the vital lessons she imparted.

The lunchtime bell chimed throughout the school, prompting the students under Miss Silvia's watchful gaze to rise from their seats with discipline and make their way to the cafeteria. Among them was Lambert, attentively walking alongside his classmates as they shared their grievances about Silvia's handling of matters. Occasionally, they directed their insults towards Lambert, finding amusement in his lack of punishment.

As they entered the cafeteria, Lambert was taken aback by its grandeur. It resembled a five-star restaurant more than a typical school lunchroom. The usual mundane tables and benches had been replaced by exquisite dining tables and chairs, fit for royalty. Adding further to the enchantment, the food was not served by lunch ladies or staff members but rather by meticulously dressed golems who possessed a strikingly human appearance. Clad in neat butler outfits, these golems seemed to be delicately crafted from porcelain, exuding an air of elegance and refinement.

Lambert's astonishment grew as he observed the golems tirelessly preparing gourmet cuisine, their actions executed with impeccable grace. The open dining tables were meticulously arranged, each displaying a perfect etiquette layout. Lambert couldn't help but feel as if he had been transported to one of his mother's formal luncheons, where every detail was carefully curated.

Naomi, determined to secure a table for themselves, pulled Lambert towards the far left corner, conveniently situated close to the kitchen where their classmates had gathered. Lambert couldn't help but think of it as the "delinquent corner," a quiet thought he kept to himself. He couldn't help but notice how others actively avoided their table, as though fearful of some social repercussion. The students fervently vied for seats at other tables, keenly aware that sitting at the so-called delinquent table carried an unspoken stigma, akin to social suicide.

However, occasionally, some students would approach Elizabeth and engage in brief conversations with her. Being popular, Elizabeth had a knack for drawing attention, though these interactions seldom lasted more than three minutes. Lambert, on the other hand, didn't mind being branded as a social outcast. In fact, he saw it as an opportunity to maintain a low profile while secretly investigating the school.

"Hey Lambert," Elizabeth's voice chimed in, noticing Lambert couriosity. "I noticed you're keeping to yourself quite a bit. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you," Lambert's curiosity finally prompted him to inquire. He locked eyes with the girl with pink hair, intrigued by her presence at their table. "Considering your popularity and the fact that you clearly have many friends, why do you choose to sit here?"

"To be honest, Lambert," the girl with pink hair replied, her voice tinged with a hint of sarcasm, "I find these so-called 'idiots' around me to be my true friends. In their company, I don't have to pretend or put on a facade just to fit in. Take a look around. You must have noticed how most students here act, walking around with inflated egos, regardless of their background. Even those who come from humble beginnings pretend to be something they're not."

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