Chapter 1.

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As Lambert hastily prepared for his day, the morning sun's warm rays gently caressed his face through the velvety curtains, rousing him from his slumber. A rush of panic enveloped him as he realized he had forgotten something of utmost importance. With a mixture of frustration and determination, he quickly went through his morning routine, trying not to think too much about his oversight.

Meanwhile, the diligent butler, ever watchful and attentive to his young master's needs, diligently inspected Lambert's luggage, ensuring that everything was in order for his impending departure. Lambert's gaze lingered on his home, a place filled with memories and comfort, knowing that he would be parted from it for a significant amount of time.

Just as he was about to step into the waiting vehicle, a voice, as richly sweet as honey, resonated from behind him. It was his mother, looking as elegant as ever. Her attire perfectly matched her captivating features - a sleeveless dress in a delightful shade of light green, accentuating her leafy green eyes and fiery red hair meticulously arranged in a flawless bun.

Lambert turned to face his mother, her presence bringing a mix of warmth and anticipation for the journey ahead. Their gazes met, and he could see the pride and love reflected in her eyes. She exuded grace and strength, a pillar of support in his life. As she approached him, her voice filled with gentle encouragement and wisdom, the final touches of a loving mother before her child embarks on a new adventure.

"Now, my dear Lambert, I simply can't let you leave without receiving a proper farewell hug from your dear old mummy," his mother playfully expressed, pretending to be deeply hurt by the thought of him leaving. Lambert couldn't help but smile at her loving antics, knowing how much she cared for him.

In that tight embrace, Lambert's mind was filled with conflicting emotions. He had taken on the role of the man of the house since his father's passing, shouldering responsibilities and caring for his mother. Leaving her alone now felt like a significant decision, one that carried a weight of its own. But deep down, he knew that this journey was his chance to pursue his long-cherished dream of attending the Royal Magistrate Academy, just like his parents had.

The Academy held a special place in his family's history. It was where his parents had met and fallen in love. Lambert's ambitions, however, were focused on achieving greatness in his own right, aspiring to become an arch-mage - the pinnacle of magical mastery, power, and recognition.

While he was determined to work hard and climb the ranks, Lambert couldn't help but wonder what other unexpected adventures and connections might await him at the Academy. Love, in his mind, seemed like a distraction from his goals, but fate had a funny way of intervening in one's plans.

As Lambert bid a temporary goodbye to his mother, the flame of anticipation burned within him. He knew that the path ahead would be challenging, but every ounce of his being was driven to prove his worth, deepen his knowledge of the arcane arts, and leave an indelible mark in the halls of the Academy.

Indeed, Lambert's journey at the Royal Magistrate Academy encompasses not only the realm of magic but also the honorable path of becoming a knight. The Academy recognizes that there is great value in mastering both the arcane arts and the art of the sword.

Lambert's father, a battle mage, is a shining example of this unique dual mastery. Battle mages hold a prestigious rank, almost on par with arch-mages and paladins. This title requires unwavering dedication and immense effort, as they must excel in both the intricacies of magic and the precision of swordsmanship. It is a testament to their exceptional skill and versatility.

As for knights, their path to mastery follows a distinct progression. Starting as novices, they advance through the ranks of corporal, knight, legate, captain, and finally the esteemed title of Herald. Each stage marks a milestone in their growth and training, showcasing their growth in both combat and leadership skills.

On the magic side, novices in the Academy progress as apprentices, then mages, and further ascend as they achieve the titles of wizard saint, master, and ultimately, the pinnacle of magical accomplishment - Arch-Mage. This journey for magic users is marked by continuous learning, honing their abilities, and unlocking the secrets of the arcane arts.

By offering both magical and knightly paths, the Royal Magistrate Academy provides a diverse and comprehensive education, fostering well-rounded individuals with a deeper understanding of different aspects of combat and protection. This fusion of disciplines allows aspiring individuals, like Lambert, to broaden their perspectives, explore new horizons, and become powerful forces in defending their realm.

So whether one pursues the path of a battle mage or a knight, the Academy paves the way for greatness, nurturing individuals who can stand tall as masters of both magic and the blade. Lambert's journey holds immense promise as he immerses himself in the rich traditions and teachings of the Royal Magistrate Academy, where dreams are transformed into reality.

As Lambert and his mother separated from their heartfelt embrace, the pain in both of their eyes was evident. Lambert couldn't help but hold onto the bittersweet moment, feeling a surge of emotions within him. He knew deep down that his father, if he were present, would be immensely proud of this significant step in his journey.

With memories of his father's wise words echoing in his mind, Lambert reminded himself to keep his chin up, hold his head high, and look towards the future, following his own convictions. His father's metaphor of a Leviathan, representing nobility and strength, resonated deeply with him, instilling a sense of pride in the path he had chosen to embark on.

As the car began to move, Lambert waved a final goodbye to his mother through the open window, attempting to convey his determination and love. He carried his father's words in his heart, knowing that their family legacy and the choices they made together were never inherently wrong.

A few minutes into their journey, Jean-Claude, the trusted family butler who held a special place in their lives, brought the car to a serene stop in the middle of the road. They patiently waited, filled with anticipation, for a response from the Academy. It was a moment brimming with both excitement and nerves, as the Academy's decision would determine the course of Lambert's destiny.

The quiet stillness enveloped the car, their surroundings acting as a backdrop to the anticipation building within their hearts. Lambert could almost hear the beating of his own heart, a rhythmic reminder of the significance of this pivotal moment. As time ticked on, both Lambert and Jean-Claude held an unwavering belief in the path ahead, trusting that the Academy would recognize his potential and open its doors to him.

Sitting in the car, Lambert took a deep breath, ready to face whatever fate awaited him. The road stretched out before him, symbolizing the unknown that lay ahead. With his family's love and support ingrained within his being, Lambert steeled himself for the next chapter of his life, eager to discover the wonders and challenges that awaited him at the Royal Magistrate Academy.


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