chapter 8.

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The final period of the day was dedicated to an intriguing subject: arcane study, the exploration of all things magical. Miss Silvia took the lead in lecturing, capturing the attention of her students as they eagerly absorbed her teachings on the fundamental elements that magic users harness to cast spells.

"Magic exists in every corner of our world. When we cast spells, we tap into what we refer to as mana, a powerful energy that permeates our surroundings," Miss Silvia explained. "However, it's important to note that only qualified mages and knights possess the ability to perceive mana visually. So, Levy, there's no need to strain yourself trying to see it."

Her words resonated with the class, as they contemplated the intricate connections between the unseen mana field and spellcasting. Excitement filled the room, each student eagerly anticipating their journey into the enchanting world of magic.

"Hey, teach, are you able to see the mana field?" Triston asked, surprising everyone with his enthusiasm. Silvia, acknowledging his curiosity, nodded in response. However, before he could proceed with his next question, she interrupted him.

"I won't reveal what the mana field looks like, as it would spoil the surprise," Silvia said with a playful smile. "If you wish to see the mana field for yourself, then you know what you need to do."

She simply stated innocently, despite the disappointment among the students, the intrigue remained. Elizabeth, lost in her own thoughts, listened intently to the various theories about the mysterious mana field. Memories of her father came flooding back to her, as he used to captivate her with stories about the wonders of the mana field during her childhood.

As a child, Elizabeth would spend hours upon hours drawing pictures that depicted her imagined visions of the mana field. She yearned for the day when she could witness it firsthand, sharing that incredible experience with her father. The dream of seeing the mana field together was a special bond they shared, filled with anticipation and wonder.

However, Elizabeth's childhood dream of experiencing the mana field alongside her father had faded long ago. In preschool, young mages like Elizabeth began honing their magical abilities, learning simple spells to control and channel their magic effectively. The outcome of these early tests held great significance, determining their standing as mages within the community.

Year after year, a handful of students would unfortunately fail to perform all the required spells. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as having insufficient magic or struggling to access different types of magic altogether. These individuals were known as the Exiguous, and they often faced challenges and limitations within the magical community, one of them was a pink hair child who could only use fire based magic.

Elizabeth, feeling defeated, gazed at her colleagues who seemed thrilled about the upcoming discussion on the mana field. She couldn't help but sigh, knowing her own magical abilities fell short. Despite this disappointment, she decided to push those feelings aside and remained engaged, listening attentively to the rest of Miss Silvia's lecture. She was determined to make the most of her magical journey, even if it didn't align with her childhood dreams.

"Now, onto addressing Naomi's question. Materialization constitutes a variant of elemental magic known as alteration or, more precisely, conversion. Knights, unlike other practitioners, are unable to tap into the full scope of the mana field. Instead, their unique abilities enable them to absorb a portion of the field's energy and manipulate objects to suit their intended purposes." Miss Silvia concluded her explanation with a proud smile, observing her students diligently jotting down notes since the start of the class.

The remainder of the class proceeded as expected, and Lambert was relieved to experience a sense of normalcy. However, the classroom ambiance took an unexpected turn when Dorian dozed off and Silvia mischievously decided to play a prank by suspending him from the ceiling.

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