Chapter 12.

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I never imagined that throughout my existence, I would find myself called into the office of the big man himself. It's a bit overwhelming, to be honest. Now I understand why my classmate in grade school used to have that peculiar panicky expression that seemed filled with anxiety. It's like all the years of being a model student have gone down the drain. My mind races as I think to myself, "Ma mere va me tuer". (My mother is going to kill me).

I quietly make my way over to one of the plush Mondini Arredamenti sofa chairs in front of the Headmaster's desk. As I sink into the soft cushions, I can't help but admire the opulence of the office. Every piece of furniture exudes luxury, especially the Headmaster's table, which is a breathtaking example of Italian craftsmanship. The attention to detail is remarkable, and I can't help but feel a sense of awe as I sit here, awaiting my meeting with the Headmaster.

"So, Lambert, have you settled into your quarters without any hiccups?" the Headmaster, Master Cullen, inquired. His voice pulled me out of my daze, and I hastily responded, adjusting my position in the chair. Master Cullen gracefully poured a cup of tea for me, and as the liquid streamed into the cup, time seemed to slow down, as if every moment was suspended in the air.

"So, young master, do you understand why I called you into my office?" Master Cullen questioned, his tone filled with a hint of amusement as he keenly observed my nervousness.

"Clearly not to discuss fine italien furniture, Lambert," I retorted with a hint of humor, earning a chuckle from the Headmaster. He seemed to appreciate my witty remark. Almost as if to ease the tension in the room, he offered me some delicious-looking pastries. Politely, I declined, worried that indulging in them might upset my stomach. In that moment, I witnessed Master Cullen's demeanor shift from that of an approachable mentor to a serious and authoritative figure of the academy, leaving all traces of lightheartedness behind.

"Tea time aside, Lambert, what is your purpose - or rather, your primary goal - in attending my academy, Leviathan?" Master Cullen openly questioned, effortlessly hinting at his awareness of what I had been up to. As someone trained in nobility, I knew the importance of remaining calm under pressure. So, with a gentle sip of my tea, I mustered the poise necessary to sustain the elegance of my vocal chords and replied in a refined tone.

"Headmaster Cullen, it appears that you already have the knowledge regarding your own question. I must confess, it seems rather futile to discuss the matter further. However, in accordance with the social protocols and norms that bind me, I feel obligated to comply and provide an explanation."

Without much time to come up with a legitimate excuse, I found myself giving an impromptu speech about my father's untimely passing and my heartfelt desire to carry on his legacy. It was a personal and emotional plea, but the weight of social expectations compelled me to share the story. However, when the conversation shifted towards explaining the incident in the library, I found myself face-to-face with a dilemma. In that moment, I made a conscious decision to fabricate a lie, looking the Headmaster straight in the eyes. I claimed that I had accidentally stumbled upon the mysterious tome and merely indulged in curiosity, devoid of any preconceived intentions.

Cullen still harbored his suspicions, but I remained determined to stay calm and composed. Outwardly, it seemed as though I was truthfully sharing my account, judging by the calm and fearless facade I presented. However, beneath that composed exterior, my heart was pounding, churning like war drums within my chest.

"Mmmmmm very well, Mr. Leviathan, you are dismissed," the Headmaster concluded, his tone carrying a cautionary undertone. I couldn't help but feel the weight of his warning as he emphasized his awareness of everything that transpired within the academy. It was a reminder that even though I may have thought I could slip unnoticed, I was not above the rules and regulations established within these walls. I must remember that the next time I find myself "accidentally" stumbling upon forbidden knowledge.

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