Chapter 2

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Kaia's POV:

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Kaia's POV:

I'm currently sleeping on the couch in my studio or trying to at least, with my arm draped over my eyes and a blanket pulled up to my chest. I have been trying to stay busy. I have been ignoring all of Jimin's texts. I know that I respond to just even one no matter how innocent it is I will want to see him, and I-we can't risk it.

I have been avoiding going home. Mingsu was right, I am miserable. But I can do it. The show starts tomorrow.

I sit up right. How the fuck am I supposed to see him tomorrow? I haven't seen him in two weeks.

There's a knock on my door, "Come in."

My manager walks in turning on the lights. After looking around the room and at me he sighs, "Did you sleep here again?"

"Yeah, I just don't want to go home, and I have had so much to do before the show."

"Kaia, you are going to work yourself to the bone. This isn't like you what is wrong?"

"Nothings wrong. I just wanted to get this done."

He gives me a look as if he doesn't believe me.

"I want you to sleep at home tonight. So, you are well rested for filming. Just to make sure you go home. I'm going to drive you home later."


Jimin's POV:

"How many times are you going to look at your phone?" JK asks.

I sigh and put it in my pocket, "Sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry. I'm just worried."

"There's nothing to worry about."

"You sure? I know you haven't seen your girl for a while."

"One she wasn't my girl and two we broke things off."

"If you broke things off then why do you keep looking at your phone?"

I shake my head, "I keep hoping she will text me back and say she was wrong, but she hasn't texted me back in weeks."

He puts his hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry."

"Me too. I thought her and I could work this out, but I guess I was wrong."

"You were wrong about what?" Tae asks while walking up to us.

"Nothing. It's not important anyways."

"Hey, you never did tell me what that awkwardness was between you and TK?"

"It wasn't awkward. And I didn't know you were so close to her."

"I'm not she just ran into me outside the restaurant."


Our manager walks in, "We have the viewing room ready for you guys. Remember the picking order for mentoring. First round goes, Jin, Suga, V, J-Hope, RM, Jungkook and Jimin. Round two will go in reverse order."

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