Chapter 22- Strawberries

Start from the beginning

Just as we're about to light the bowl, Lori comes running to me. 

"I need you." She's panting and looks distressed. "Why?" I ask, setting the bowl down and standing up. 

"Do you regret attempting to kill yourself?" Damien shakes his head quickly and opens his eyes wide. "Woah, what the fuck?" I ask, stepping closer to Lori.

"It's Beth. I don't think I can convince her not to." "Oh fuck." I say, not wasting a second to run to the house. 

When I get in the house, Maggie is already yelling at Beth. Lori follows me inside and Andrea is already in the kitchen.

"Where's Hershel?" Andrea asks, looking at Lori and I. "He doesn't want to find out yet." Lori responds, walking in front of me and into the kitchen. "It's a family affair, we'll let them work it out." "That's working it out?" Andrea asks. 

"I should go in there; Maggie is handling it all wrong." I begin to walk into the room, but Lori grabs my arm. "Wait. Wait until they're finished. When Beth stops fighting, that's when it's time to worry." 

"This could've been handled better." Andrea looks at her feet. "How so?" Lori asks, letting go of my arm and turning to the sink to do dishes. 

"You shouldn't have taken the knife away." My heart stops. "Excuse me?" Lori turns to look at Andrea. "You were wrong. Like Dale taking my gun. That wasn't your decision. She has to choose to live on her own. She has to find her own reasons." I scoff and turn away from Andrea. If I look at her face I know I'll break a plate on it. 

"Want me to tie a noose for her?" Lori remarks, opening the fridge. 

Okay, Lori. Maybe she's starting to understand why I fucking hate Andrea.

"If she's serious she'll figure out a way. Like Adrian did." I turn to Andrea. "The fuck did you just say?" "You found a way to kill yourself. You took those pills and then slit your wrist, thats-" A slap lands on Andrea's face but both of my hands remain by my sides. 

"Don't ever speak to or about Adrian like that!" Lori says, pointing in Andrea's face, the palm of her hand reddening. 

I fuckin' love you.

"It's true!" Andrea says, looking from Lori to me, then back to Lori. 

"You pulled through it!" I scoff, "By force." I whisper. "I pulled through it!" Andrea throws her hands up. "And became such a productive member of the group." Lori says. I chuckle, "Finally, someone sees what I've been saying." I mumble. 

"I contribute." Andrea projects. "I help keep this place safe." "Yeah by shooting Daryl?" I ask. Andrea scoffs, "It was a mistake." "Yeah and so was Dale saving you." I sit on the counter, admiring the distraught look on her face. 

"The men can handle this on their own. They don't need your help." Lori says, throwing her towel onto the counter. "I'm sorry, what would you have me do?" Andrea asks, deciding not to acknowledge my remark about Dale saving her. 

"Oh there's plenty of work to go around." "Are you serious? Everything falls apart, you're in my face over skipping laundry?" "Puts a burden on the rest of us. On me and Carol, Patricia and Maggie. Cooking and cleaning and caring for Beth and you-" Lori sighs. "You don't care about anyone but yourself. You sit up on that R.V, workin' on your tan with a shotgun in your lap." I scoff lightly, I am really enjoying this side of Lori. 

"No, I am on watch against Walkers. That is what matters, not fresh mint leaves in the lemonade." "And we are providing stability. We are trying to create a life worth living." "Are you kidding me?" "Look," Lori starts. "I went after Rick. I took down two Walkers. Don't act like you're the only one who can take care of yourself-" "After crashing Maggie's car. Did you ever apologize for that?" Andrea rolls her eyes. 

 "Crashing her-" Lori stops speaking for a moment. "You're insane." She finally says. "No, you are." My eyes widen, "My turn." I say, smirking and starting to hop off the counter. "No, Adrian. Hold on." Lori says. I nod slightly and reposition myself atop the counter again. "You're the one that's self-centered. The way you take it all for granted." 

I can feel Lori's rage begin to bubble beneath her skin. Her eyebrows raise slightly and she just pauses, staring at Andrea. "This is gonna be fun." I whisper. 

"My husband is out there-for the hundrenth time. My son was shot." Lori gets up in Andrea's face. "Don't you DARE tell me I take this for granted." "You don't get it, do you?" Andrea gets closer to Lori as well. "Your husband came back from the dead, your son too. And now you got a baby on the way. The rest of us have piled up our losses-me, Carol, Beth. But you just keep on keepin' on-" "We have all suffered." 

"Playing house, acting like the queen bee, laying down rules for everybody but yourself. You know what? GO ahead. Go in there and tell that little girl that everything's gonna be okay, just like it is for you. She'll get a husband, a son, baby...boyfriend." "Okay, now it's my turn." I hop off the counter and approach Andrea. 

"You're just pissed that the little pity fuck you and my dad had was just to get his mind off of Lori." I can tell by her reaction that my suspicions were right. 


I don't acknowledge the fact that I was right, I just continue. "You ain't shit to him, you realize that, right? You ain't shit to nobody here. You treat everyone like they're lesser than you just because they don't wanna sit with a gun in their hand." Andrea sighs and begins to walk away but I grab her shoulder and spin her around to face me. "Don't you ever walk away from me while I'm talking you slut!" Her eyes widen. "What did you just call me?" I don't answer her question. "You do not get to speak to Lori like that, ever. Especially when I'm around because she has done so much more for this group than you ever will. All you do is fuck up! You are useless! Thinkin' Lori was wrong for saving Beth." I sigh, "Get the fuck outta my sight before I shove my fingers through your eyes." 

Andrea looks at Lori; when she doesn't say anything, Andrea walks away. 

By now, Maggie and Beth's argument has subsided. 

I run my fingers through my hair and look at Lori. "I'm gonna go talk to Beth." She nods, not verbalizing a response. 

(Sumary:) Alyssa fights for Damien to be able to stay with the group. Once they agree, Andrian sits alone outside and inspects her self-harm wounds. Lori runs to her for help with Beth and Andrea gets put in her place. Adrian finds something out about Shane and Andrea.

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