Surprise Party | M.M.

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Max g!p

Season 3 events happened but not season 4 - the Byers didn't move

It was Max's 16th birthday and you and the others planned a surprise party for her. You were on your way to her trailer to spend some time with her and distract her while the others decorated your house.

When you got to Max's, she was still asleep in her bed. Her mom was at work but Max let you have a spare key to her trailer.

You sat next to her on her bed. She looked so cute all snuggled up in her blankets. You moved a piece of hair out of her face before you lightly shook her.

"Max." You rubbed your thumb on her shoulder. "Wake up."

"Five more minutes, mom." Max mumbled.

You let out a small giggle. "Max, it's me."

Max's eyes slowly opened and she looked up at you. You looked into her eyes and smiled.

"Happy birthday, love." You said.

"Thanks." Max said as she sat up.

"How'd you sleep?" You softly asked.

"Good." Max said as she stood up and started to get dressed.

"I was thinking that today me and you could hang out. We can go to the arcade and the skate park." You suggested.

Max looked at you and raised an eyebrow. "You don't know how to skateboard."

"Then you can teach me." You smiled as you watched her put on a shirt.

Max finished getting dressed before she picked up her skateboard that was leaning against the wall. She looked at you and smiled.

"You ready?" Max asked.

You smiled as you got off her bed and ran over to her. You took her hand and dragged her outside. She set her board down in front of her and held out her hand.

"You're not gonna let me fall, right?" You asked as you took her hand and put one foot on the board.

"Of course not." Max shook her head. "Put your foot like this."

You looked down at the board and put your in the position she told you. You looked at her and slightly squeezed her hand once you started to lose your balance.

"You're okay. I got you." Max assured you. "Okay, now you're gonna push off with your other foot."

You pushed off with your foot and you started to slowly move down the road. Max walked alongside you as she continued to hold your hand.

The road was a little bit of a hill so you started to pick up speed and Max had a hard time catching up with you.

"I'm gonna let go, okay?" Max said.

"No." You shook your head.

"You're doing great, babe. You're not gonna fall." Max let go of your hand and started to run after you.

You continued to skate down with Max not too far behind you. You noticed a curve in the road and you looked back at Max for help.

"Alright, lean left." Max told you.

You leaned left and the board turned around the curve. When you started to go faster you realized that you didn't know how to stop.

"How do I stop?" You asked.

"Just take your foot off the board." Max said.

You took your foot off the board and you came to a stop as Max finally caught up with you

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