Paparazzi | S.S.

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"Baby?" Sadie whispered as she pushed your shoulder. "Honey, wake up."

Sadie sighed as she leaned back on the bed. She's been trying to wake you up for the past 15 minutes. Your puppy that you two owned walked into the bedroom. Sadie smiled as she lifted him up and held him close to your face. Your puppy sniffed your face before licking it.

You slowly opened your eyes and scrunched your nose.

"Finally." Sadie said as she pulled Max away from you.

Max was your puppies name. After you two got him you decided to name him after Sadie's role on Stranger Things.

"I've been trying to wake you up for like fifteen minutes." Sadie said.

"What time is it?" You asked.

"Almost noon." She answered.

"Mm." You hummed as you sat up and scooted closer to her.

Max crawled into your lap as Sadie kissed your cheek and put her hand on your thigh.

"What do you wanna do today?" She asked.

"I don't know. Maybe go for a walk later." You answered.

Sadie nodded.

Max barked and then got off your lap, running out of the bedroom. Sadie gave your thigh a little squeeze before she stood up from the bed.

"Wait." You stopped her.

"What?" She asked.

"Can you take me downstairs?" You smiled as you held your arms out.

Sadie rolled her eyes before picking you up. "You're lucky I love you."

"Thanks bub." You smiled as you wrapped your legs around her waist and your arms around her neck.

You gave her a kiss on the lips as she brought you into the kitchen. She set you down on the counter before walking over to the fridge.

"What do you want for breakfast?" She asked before realizing that it was lunch time. "Or lunch."


"Baby, we don't have McDonalds." Sadie told you.

"Then let's go buy some." You said.

"I'm not taking you to McDonalds." She shook her head.


"I hate you." Sadie said as the two of you walked up to the McDonalds.

"I love you, too." You smiled before handing her your wallet. "Can you go in and buy me food?"

"Why can't you go in by yourself?" She asked.

"Cause someone needs to stay here with the dog." You said.

"Fine." She handed you back your wallet. "But let me pay."

She walked into the McDonalds as you went to go sit at a table outside. A few minutes later, Sadie came back out with two bags of food and two sodas. She put a soda and a bag down in front of you.

"Thank you baby." You smiled.

She leaned down and gave you a kiss on the lips before she sat down next to you.

"Anything for you." She said as she intertwined her fingers with yours.

After a few minutes of eating you needed to go inside to get a napkin. You stood up and gave Sadie the leash.

"I'm gonna go inside and get a napkin." You told her.

A loud truck drove by as Sadie responded. You couldn't hear what she said so you put your arm around her shoulders and leaned down.

"There's paparazzi recording across the street." She said in your ear.

You leaned back up and looked across the street. Sure enough there was a man with a camera recording you two.

"Can we go?" You asked her.

She nodded as she stood up. "Get on my back."

She bent down and you hopped on her back. You took the dogs leash as you wrapped your arms around Sadies neck and she held onto your thighs. You guys threw out your trash before Sadie started walking home with you on her back.

As you guys walked down the street you noticed the paparazzi guy walking over to you guys with his camera out.

"He's coming over here." You said as you lightly held onto Sadies shirt.

"Let me handle him. You don't have to say anything." She told you.

"Sadie can you tell us anything about season 5 of Stranger Things?" The man asked as he walked up to you both.

"Um, there's not much I can really say." She told him as she continued walking.

"y/n whats it like dating someone who's on a hit tv show and has over 20 million followers?" He asked you.


Sadie subtly squeezed your thigh before answering the question for you. "She doesn't really wanna answer any questions right now."

"Come on, y/n." The guy said as he reached out to touch you.

Sadie put you back down on the ground as she got all up in the mans face. "Don't fucking touch her."

You picked Max up as you watched Sadie argue with him.

"I was just asking her a question." He said.

You tugged on Sadies sleeve. "Sadie, can we go?"

"You don't fucking touch a girl on the streets." She snapped.

A couple police officers came by and shooed the paparazzi away as Sadie put her arm around your waist to keep you safe as you guys walked back to your apartment.

"That was kind of hot." You told Sadie as you put Max down on the floor and he ran to his toy bin. "I like when you get angry."

"Yeah, well, I can't stand when creepy men try to talk to my girl. Let alone touch her." Sadie gritted through her teeth.

"Your girl, huh?" You smiled.

"Mine." She put her arms around your waist and kissed you. "And only mine."

You giggled before kissing her again.

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