Pineapple | S.S. (Part 1)

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You were riding your motorcycle to Finn's house because he was having a gathering. You, Sadie, Millie, Noah, Gaten, and Caleb are all going. You would have took your car but you knew Sadie was going to be there and you wanted to impress her. She's been your crush for a few years and you've done everything in your power to make her like you.

You turned into Finn's driveway and came to a stop. You took the key out of the ignition and put it back in your pocket before you took off your helmet and hung it on the handle. You looked up and noticed Sadie staring at you.

It was dark outside but you could see her standing in the porch light. You got off your bike and walked over to her.

"Hey, Sades." You smiled at her.

"Uh, hey." She discreetly looked you up and down before glancing at your bike. "Cool bike."

"Thanks. I just got it the other day." You told Sadie.

"Oh, yeah. I saw your Instagram pictures. You- they looked really good." Sadie complimented.

"Thanks." You nodded before opening Finns front door. "Ladies first."

"Aren't you a lady?" Sadie smiled.

"Pretty ladies first." You corrected.

Sadie blushed as she walked into Finn's house and you followed her in. You and Sadie were the last ones to show up so when you both walked into the living room, everybody was already there. All the guys greeted you two and Millie looked at you both with a thoughtful expression.

"Did you two come together?" Millie asked.

"No, no." You told her.

"We just got here at the same time." Sadie told her.

"Yeah." You nodded.

"Okay... Sadie, can I talk to you for a second?" Millie took Sadies wrist and pulled her into the kitchen.

You slightly furrowed your eyebrows before you sat down on the couch and joined conversation with the guys.


A little bit into the night, you were sitting on the couch just on your phone and Millie and Sadie were sitting next to you talking about random shit.

"Did you see pineapples new Instagram post?" Sadie asked Millie.

"Yeah. They looked so good. You have great taste." Millie responded.

You looked up from your phone at the two girls, suddenly intrigued by their conversation. "Pineapple? Who's pineapple?"

"Sadie's crush." Millie said.

"Millie!" Sadie exclaimed.

"Crush?" You asked, a little bit of hurt and confusion in your voice. "Your crush's name is pineapple?"

Sadie slightly smiled. "No. Its a code name. Whenever we wanna talk about it we call them pineapple so nobody knows who they are."

"Oh." You nodded. "So, who is pineapple?"

"I'm not gonna tell you, silly." Sadie laughed.

"Why not?" You frowned.

"Cause then that defeats the whole purpose of the code name, dumbass." Millie joked as she hit your shoulder.

"Ow." You rubbed your shoulder. "Sadie, i'm your best friend. I have the right to know."


You gave her your puppy eyes. "Please."

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