The Girl Next Door | T.D.

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Nick was your neighbor and his daughter, Tess, was visiting. She's been here for about a week and you've seen her around. She hated when you played loud music so you decided to annoy her by blasting it.

You walked by your window and noticed Tess leaning on her windowsill and looking at you with a smile on her face.

"What the hell are you doing?" She yelled.

"Huh? I can't hear you, it's too loud!" You shouted back with a smirk.

"I said, what are you doing?" Tess repeated.

"I don't know what you're trying to say to me right now!" You teased.

"Oh my god." Tess rolled her eyes. "Just turn the music off!"

You turned the music off and then leaned against your windowsill so that you could talk to her. "Hey."

"Hi." She smiled at you.

"I wanna show you something." You told her with a mischievous grin on your face.

You left for a few seconds and then came back with a latter. You positioned it so that it made a pathway into Tess's room.

"No! Absolutely not!" She yelled once you started to climb across the latter. "No! No! Oh my god."

"I'm fine." You assured her before your hand slipped. "Oh my god!"

"Y/n, are you serious?" Tess exclaimed. "You're insane. This is insane."

You smirked as you climbed through her window.

"Oh my god. Okay. Be careful." Tess held onto your arm as she helped you inside her room.

"Hey again." You smiled.

"Hi." Tess softly said. "Uh, what are you doing? If my dad finds out that you're here we're both screwed."

"It's okay." You calmed her down.

She sighed out of annoyance. You looked all the drawings that were taped over her bed.

"Um... I know that girl." You smirked as you pointed to the drawing of you.

Tess awkwardly cleared her throat as she moved to stand in front of you. Tess squinted her eyes to get a better look at your face.

"Are you wearing makeup?" She asked.

"It's just eyeliner." You shrugged. "I figured I would try it."

"Yeah." Tess nodded. "It's not bad, actually."

"Thank you." You smiled.

"Your eyebrow is messy." Tess smirked as she reached up to mess up your eyebrow.

"Now it is." You said.

"Um, so, where did you go to school?" Tess asked as she started to clean up her room a little bit.

"Butler High." You told her as you picked up a picture frame. "And I still go. But, i've been taking the scenic route."

"Oh my god." Tess mumbled as she took the picture frame out of your hand and put it face down on her dresser.

You looked at the drawing that was hanging above her desk. "This is amazing."

Tess slightly blushed. "So, um... The scenic route, that includes being home a month before school ends?"

"Funny story." You started. "My dad sent me to live with my grandma, because he's an asshole. She caught me smoking weed and sent me back here because apparently i'm an asshole. Speaking of which." You pulled some weed out of your pocket and looked at Tess. "You wanna fire this up?"

Tess scoffed. "Screw your lame ass gateway drugs."

You put the weed in your mouth as you sat down on the edge of her bed and lit the end of it with your lighter. "Sounds to me like you've never smoked before."

Tess sat down next to you and looked at the necklace around your neck. "What's that?"

"A necklace."

Tess rolled her eyes. "No shit."

You smiled. "It's my zero gravity pendant." You told her and she furrowed her eyebrows. "You know zero gravity, spacemen and weightlessness.

"Yeah, no, I know what zero gravity is, i'm gonna graduate on time." She teased. "I'm just asking why you wear it."

"Because it's sexy." You answered.

"That's debatable." Tess tilted her head

"All right." You smiled. "So, Suburban girl, what are you doing here in Braddock?"

"Looking at a punk ass." Tess replied.

"Yeah, obviously from somewhere better though. So, what's up-"

Tess cut you off by placing her lips on yours. It caught you by surprise at first but you kissed her back. When she pulled away, you raised your eyebrows at her.

"Smart girl. Now get the hell out of my room." Tess motioned to the window with her head.

"Yes ma'am." You smirked before getting up from her bed.

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