No Big Deal | S.S.

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The best part about your job was working with your wonderful girlfriend, Sadie Sink. The both of you were lucky enough to get casted as love interests in the same movie.

Today was a big day for you both because you were filming an intense makeout scene between your two characters.

You were sitting in your trailer, watching TikTok on your phone and waiting for Sadie to be done in hair and makeup.

When Sadie finally came back she sat with you on the couch while you both waited to be called down to set.

You leaned on her front and angled your phone where she could see it. When Sadie moved to put her arm around your shoulder she felt how tense you were.

"You okay?" Sadie asked and you hummed in response. "You seem tense."

You shut off your phone and looked up at her. "I'm just nervous to make out with you."

Sadie chuckled. "Why are you nervous? It's not like we haven't done it before."

"Yeah, but we're alone in the bedroom. We don't have 20 crew members and camera men watching us." You explained.

Sadie shrugged. "So then close your eyes and pretend we're back in the bedroom."

You shook your head. "It's not that easy."

Sadie stayed silent for a few seconds, running her fingers up and down your arm as she tried to think of a way to make you feel better. "Do you wanna practice?"

"Practice making out?" You clarified.

Sadie nodded. "Maybe it'll ease your nerves."

You thought about it before standing up. "Okay."

Sadie stood up and fixed her shirt as she stood in front of you. "You remember the blocking, right?"

You nodded. "Of course I do."


Sadie wrapped her arms around your waist as you wrapped your arms around her neck. You looked into her eyes and she gave you a reassuring nod. You smiled at her before leaning in, connecting your lips in a passionate kiss.


Once you and Sadie were called down to set, you got in your spots to start the scene. You looked over at your director so that she could give you directions.

You watched as your director set down her morning coffee and walked over to you and Sadie.

"Okay, remember. This is the scene where your two characters finally get together." Your director explained as you and Sadie nodded along. "So this makeout scene has to be passionate, alright?"

"Okay." You nodded.

"Got it." Sadie said.

Your director went back over to her chair, sitting down in it and crossing her legs as she watched you and Sadie.

"You're gonna do great, my love." Sadie whispered in your ear before quickly kissing you on the cheek.

Sadie went over to the other side of the bedroom set, putting on a mad face. In the scene, Sadie's character was supposed to be mad because your character has been avoiding her.


"Why have you been avoiding me?" Sadie asked, in her character.

"I haven't been avoiding-"

"You have." Sadie cut you off. "Did I do something wrong?"

You stared at her for a second. "No... you haven't."

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