Chapter 69

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"That's a taste of what it's like to fight me," Mirio told the class as he stood before them. Yuna felt even worse after having to stand up and wanted to curl into a ball to make the pain in her stomach go away. And the rest of her class felt the same way. "So what do you think? Isn't my quirk strong?"

"Yeah, it's too strong!" Sero exclaimed as he, Hakagure, and Mina suddenly recovered.

"It's not fair! Mine's nothing in comparison." Hakagure complained.

"How can you slip through things and warp?" Mina questioned in a slightly accusatory tone. "Do you have two powers like Todoroki does?"

"Nope, just the one," Mirio answered with his unchanging smile.

"Oh! I know. I'll tell you what his quirk is." Nejire cut in with an excited smile. She glanced back at Mirio for permission to explain his quirk then said, "It's permeation. Cool, right?"

"Hado, let Mirio explain his own power," Tamaki said, still not facing the class.

Yuna slightly tilted her head as Mirio explained his quirk, "I've got a sweet quirk that's called Permeation. What you guys thought of as a warp was, you guessed it, simply an alternative application of that power."

"So how exactly do you warp?" Midoriya asked.

"I activate my quirk in my entire body. Then, I can pass through anything I want no sweat." Mirio explained. "Everything! That includes solid ground. Then, whenever I release my quirk while I'm falling, something super strange happens. Things with mass can't overlap. So I get repelled upward. The ground spits me out and I fly into the air. That's how my warp works. By adjusting the direction I'm facing or the pose I'm holding, I can change the angle I come out at, so I can aim at different spots."

"My brain hurts from this," Kaminari muttered.

Yuna rolled her eyes, "It's not that complicated. I think you're just a little brain-dead from using your quirk." Kaminari huffed and Yuna let out an amused sigh before turning to Mirio, "Your control over a quirk like that is really impressive. I can't imagine it's easy to use."

"That's true. My power's only this strong because I made it that way." Mirio said, his voice becoming more serious, although his facial expression stayed the same. "While my quirk is activated, my lungs can't take in oxygen. Even if I breathe in, the air will just pass through it. In the same way, my eardrums don't work. And light can't go through my retinas. I can pass through everything. But that means I can't feel anything while I'm in that state. Even though I have a body, I can't stop falling. I could probably keep going down forever. Does that make sense? That's why if I wanna go through something like, say, a wall. I have to concentrate really hard. I'll activate everything except one leg. Then I release the other leg and land on it. And then the first leg is the last one to go through. Even for a simple action like that, there are a bunch of little steps involved."

"If I were in a hurry, I would mess that up every single time," Kaminari said, earning a shrug from Yuna.

"It'd be different if was your quirk. As long as you have the time to experiment with it, you'd be able to figure it out." Yuna replied.

"I guess," Kaminari mumbled before Mirio continued.

"Going up, I was always behind, as you might expect," He started, causing Yuna to narrow her eyes at him. A thought of him not being as behind as her crept into her mind, but she shook it away as he continued, "In no time, I dropped to dead last. I dropped my pants a lot, too. In order to get to the top with this quirk, I couldn't just hope that things would get better. I had to think. I learned to make combat decisions and picked up a few new tricks. But above all, I learned to predict what would happen next. And what made those predictions possible in the first place was experience. I based my predictions on what I'd learned. This was kind of a roundabout way to get the point across, but that's why I wanted to fight. To show you through experience rather than words."

Yuna hummed and crossed her arms. What he was saying was something she was already pretty familiar with. Of course learning to better use and control your quirk was the key to getting stronger. She was all too familiar with spending hours training her quirk to better use it and get stronger.

"In our work studies, we're not treated as guests like in our internships," Mirio continued, interrupting Yuna's train of thought. "We're regarded as one of the sidekicks, or even as a pro. That can be super scary. Pros can get hurt. And sometimes they end up watching people die. But every scary and painful thing you go through is an important experience that you can't get inside a classroom, even at UA. I transformed the experience I got in my work study into power. That's how I got to the top spot! And it's why I think they're worth it, even if you're scared. You with me, first years?"

The class clapped at the end of his motivational speech and chatter of the work studies filled the gym. The prospect of work studies filled Yuna with excitement. Her internship had done quite a lot for her, especially since she got some real field experience -- even if that was against her aunt. But work studies sounded much more involved. She felt she was at a point where training in a gym every now and then or in class was only doing so much. She was getting stronger, at least a bit stronger, but having real combat experience would teach her to apply her skills. Yuna needed more experience in the field.

"Let's get back to class now," Aizawa announced, silencing the chatter. The class thanked the three third-years for their time before they made their way back to their classroom.

-Author Note-

Happy New Year! I hope everyone's excited for 2024. A lot of stuff happens this year for me, so I've got that to look forward to. Also, my new years resolution is to finish something I'm writing. This is meant for my original stories, but I'm doubling it to apply to this story and maybe some others. I'd really like to complete a story on here. I also have plans for some fun bonus chapters and I wanna write those.

But anyways, hopefully I'll write more this year. It's my goal and hopefully I stick to it. But for now, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great day!


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