Chapter 41

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Yuna and Kaminari spent the time they had before their fight brainstorming ways to help them win. Kaminari had also got Yuna to just sit down and relax for a few minutes, but that time was very short-lived. Soon, the first five matches had finished and the pair was walking out to their arena.

"Team Kaminari and Azumi. practical exam. Ready, go!"

"So, what are we gonna do?" Kaminari asked as the two of them jogged down a random path.

Their arena was similar to where they had done the rescue race. It was a factory setting with tons of buildings and pipes that went everywhere. Yuna's heart was beating faster with every second as her mind tired to come up with something they could actually do in that moment.

"Well, Nezu's not around here, so maybe we could started heading toward the exit or some-" Yuna was cut off when they heard a loud crashing sound.

"What is that?" Kaminari questioned as the booms got louder. "It can't be the principal, right?"

"It's certainly caused by him," Yuna said right before there was a sound above them and a pipe, along with tons of other debris started to fall behind them.

"Run!" Kaminari screamed as he grabbed Yuna's hand and the two started running. Yuna didn't have time to look back at the destruction left behind them as more and more debris continued to force them to either run or get crushed. Eventually, the crash paused just as they rounded a corner to see a blockade of debris in front of them

"You were right," Kaminari said with a huff as the two stared up at the massive blockade. "He did find a way to block our exit."

"Yeah, but I think I have a real plan now," Yuna replied as she a guide for the Aquila constellation appeared over her vision. She traced it and summoned an eagle before taking a small camera out of the pouch on her utility belt and turning it on. She handed it to the eagle before it took off into the air. Then Yuna took Kaminari's hand and started running off in the direction the eagle was going. "I don't know why this wasn't the first thing I did when we got in here, but it probably works out better now. I'll have Aquila find where Nezu is before I send you up to the crane he's at."

"Wait, send me up?" Kaminari questioned, right as buildings suddenly started falling around them.

The two ran from the falling debris as Yuna yelled over the crashing, "Yeah, that way you can electrocute the crane and shut it down. Then he'll be powerless and you can cuff him."

"Why don't we just fly over to the gate?" Kaminari asked as they were able to stop running and catch their breath since the debris had stopped.

"Two reasons," Yuna started, watching as the crane came closer to the camera on the small video in the corner of her vision. It was showing her the video footage from the eagle live. "One, that would only involve me using my quirk and that could leave you with a bad score. And two, I don't even know if I could carry two people that far. It could end in us both failing. But I doubt we'll mess this up."

"What if the crane doesn't shut down?" Kaminari questioned, earning an annoyed glare from Yuna.

"Then hit Nezu with your lightning," Yuna retorted. The crane was now completely in her sight and started running in the direction the eagle was, Kaminari following her.

"You want me to zap the principal?!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"I want you to zap the villain and get us to pass our test," Yuna growled. "Oh, and here."

Yuna tossed Kaminari the handcuffs she had been holding onto and caught them. They were getting pretty close to the crane with seemingly no problems, though Yuna regretted even thinking things would be that easy when a piece of a building came crashing behind them.

"Wait, that's a dead end!" Kaminari shouted as the end of their path came into view.
Yuna grit her teeth as they approached the blockade. They were close enough to the crane for her to get Kaminari there, but it wasn't going to be easy.

"Alright, I've got this," Yuna muttered to herself. Let the eagle disappear, ignoring the fact that the camera it had been holding would be destroyed when it fell to the ground before turning to Kaminari. "Pegasus or dragon?"

"Uh, dragon. Dud." Kaminari answered, before his face suddenly filled with concern as she summoned the Draco constellation. "Wait, are we even close enough for me to get there?"

"Let's hope we are," Yuna mumbled as the dragon materialized. "Get on. This is our only hope at winning this."

"But what if I fall?" Kaminari questioned, eyeing the dragon hesitantly.

"I promise I won't let you fall," Yuna said. "Trust me."

Kaminari took a deep breath before nodding, "Ok, yeah, I trust you."

Yuna watched as Kaminari stepped into the back of the dragon and stood against the wall before lifting the dragon with Kaminari on it into the air. "Hold on."

Kaminari gave her a nervous smile Yuna barely registered before she commanded the dragon to fly toward the crane. Yuna immediately wished she had given Kaminari a camera so she could have a visual of what was happening as she slightly struggled to keep the dragon from fading as well as make sure it was going in the right direction. Luckily, Yuna remembered exactly where the eagle had been before it faded and the dragon has the crane in its own view and was flying towards it mostly on its own. Yuna's main focus was just keeping it from dropping Kaminari, not controlling its every move.

Yuna wasn't entirely sure what happened next, but she knew Kaminari had jumped off the dragon the second he did because a huge weight fell off her chest and the dragon disappeared almost immediately after. Yuna was able to let out a breath she hadn't even realized she had been holding before she sunk to the ground.

The next few minutes seemed to stretch on forever, but Yuna was sure they went by instantly for Kaminari before she heard over the speakers, "Team Kaminari and Azumi have passed!"

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