Chapter 24

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Bakugo didn't waste any time rushing and aiming an explosion at Yuna. Yuna also acted immediately, drawing the shield constellation from the cavalry battle and blocking the attack. Yuna winced, but the pain wasn't bad. Yuna backed up as Bakugo hit the shield with another explosion that hurt a bit more than the first one. Then he hit it with another.

He's attacking the shield instead of me. Yuna thought as another explosion went off and she felt a bit more pain course through her. He knows my weakness.

Yuna let Bakugo hit the shield with one last explosion before she used the smoke as an opportunity to let the shield disappear and summon the grizzly bear. She was barely even controlling the bear as it charged toward Bakugo, absorbing an explosion that Yuna somehow barely felt and standing up on its back feet before swiping at Bakugo with its claws. Bakugo avoided the attack and hit the grizzly with another explosion that Yuna barely felt. She wasn't sure what was going on with her quirk, but she used it to her advantage.

Bakugo thought just hitting the constellations was damaging her, and since they were an easier target, he would keep targeting them. She could easily use her sudden resistance to either knock out Bakugo or push him out of bounds.

A sharp pain pulled Yuna out of her thoughts as the grizzly let out a silent cry and Bakugo hit it with one last explosion before it disappeared. She had gotten too distracted. Too confident. She let the grizzly take all those hits thinking it wasn't doing any damage to the bear because it wasn't doing damage to her.

Bakugo ran at Yuna, trying to use her moment of weakness to attack her, but she was able to summon the Leo constellation before he managed to make it to her. She took a few more steps back as the lion charged at Bakugo and he started to fight it. She needed distance between her and Bakugo without being too close to the boundary line.

Yuna was able to get the lion to draw Bakugo a bit further away from her before she made it disappear and summoned Aries. The ram ran at Bakugo, who hit it with a few explosions that made Yuna feel as if she had taken them on herself.

The ram disappeared and Yuna stumbled a bit, but she held her ground and summoned the Draco constellation. Bakugo dodged the dragon's attack and charged straight for Yuna.

What's he doing? Yuna thought, a bit of panic coursing through her as Bakugo got closer to her. Though, Yuna snapped out of it faster than she ever had before and the dragon came back and hit Bakugo in the back, causing him to fall to the ground.

"What the hell?" Bakugo growled as he turned face up and wrestled with the dragon. He hit it with a few explosions and Yuna made it let up, the explosions hurting her more than she wanted to admit. Bakugo charged at the dragon and Yuna made it disappear right before he managed to hit it. He turned to her as she drew the Leo constellation and summoned the lion again.

Yuna felt the pain way more this time. Bakugo hit the lion with a huge explosion that caused Yuna to cry out in pain. The lion and the grizzly were out. She needed a plan, and fast.

Yuna somehow managed to dodge the couple of explosions Bakugo threw at her when he had managed to get close to her. She was getting slower, but not slow enough where the fear of really getting hit by one of Bakugo's explosions wouldn't help her speed up enough.

She dodged one of Bakugo's explosions before grabbing his arm and drawing the Draco constellation faster than she ever had before. The dragon hit Bakugo right in the stomach and pushed him back, nearly out of bounds. But that was before he exploded the dragon's face with huge explosions that made the dragon vanish. Yuna let out another cry of pain and held her stomach when the dragon disappeared.

Bakugo suddenly appeared in front of her and in her panic, Yuna had drawn the Corona Borealis constellation, a constellation Yuna had only learned because she had gotten bored. The crown dropped to the ground and instantly shattered as Yuna was hit, full-on, by Bakugo's explosion. She was sent flying back and fell onto her hands and knees. Yuna heard the crowd gasp as she puked up some blood, but it sounded distant. She had a head-splitting headache that made her feel dizzy and she could taste blood in her mouth, but she still stumbled to her feet. She wasn't done yet.

"Not giving in yet, huh?" Bakugo said with a smirk on his face, a few small explosions coming from his hands.

"You'll have to kill me," Yuna replied, whipping her mouth with the back of her hand. Yuna summoned the raven and it flew toward Bakugo.

"Is this some weak last attempt?" Bakugo questioned as he waved at the raven, which pecked at him. He tried to hit it with a few explosions, but it somehow managed to dodge them. Irritation was clear on Bakugo's face as he hit the bird with a huge explosion.

While Bakugo was distracted by the bird, Yuna had managed to draw the Sagittarius constellation. She pulled the bowstring back and an arrow of light appeared.

"No," Yuna said as Bakugo hit the bird with his huge explosion. "It's a plan."

The world seemed to slow as Yuna released the string and the arrow went soaring through the air. She took in a sharp breath as the bow in her hand disappeared and more pain suddenly shot through her. All she could feel was pain and nothing else. All she could hear was her heart pumping in her ears. She could taste blood in her mouth. But she stayed standing.

Only to see her shot miss.

"Looks like your plan didn't work out!" Bakugo yelled as he ran toward Yuna. He was holding his side where the arrow had barely grazed him, but let go of it when he got close to her. She couldn't move. Everything felt numb. Bakugo's explosion made direct contact with her and sent her flying back.

Yuna fell to the ground. She was way past her limit. She couldn't feel anything but pain. And yet, she still tried to get up.

I can't give up. Not yet.

Yuna raised her hand weakly to attempt to draw a constellation. All she saw was a small glowing light before everything went black.

-Author Note-

Well, that was... fun. This chapter was not easy to write for multiple reasons. But I think it turned out pretty good.

On a completely different note, this story hit 1000 reads! You guys are really awesome and I'm very happy we hit this milestone. I love this story a lot, Yuna is definitely one of my favorite ocs out of all of the ones I've created, and writing this story is very fun for me. I'm so glad I get to share it with all of you and I'm really happy that you all enjoy it!

Anyways, I hope you all have a great day! Again, thank you for 1000 reads!


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