Chapter 43

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The next day, Yuna and the rest of the class were in their classroom, waiting to hear the results of their exam. Gloom hung over Mina and Kirishima since their team had failed and Midoriya had attempted to cheer them up.

"I'm so glad I was put on a team with you, Yuna," Kaminari said, turning around in his seat to look at her. "I definitely would've failed without your help."

"Yeah, I know you would've," Yuna retorted, earning a groan from Kaminari. Yuna laughed and lightly poked him on the arm. "I'm just messing with you. Honestly, I'm glad we got put on the same team too."

"Yeah?" Kaminari questioned, a bright smile forming on his face. Yuna smiled back and nodded, causing Kaminari to light up even more.

The door slid open and everyone who wasn't in their seats was instantly sitting down, Kaminari facing forward in his chair as Aizawa walked up to the podium. "Morning. Unfortunately, there are a few of you who didn't pass your exams. So when it comes to the training camp in the wood..." Aizawa started before he paused for a second and a sadistic smile appeared on his face. "Everyone is going! We were never going to separate you. The good news is that no one bombed the written exam. Three failed the practical. Badly. One team and Sero failed as well. Allow me to explain. For the practical battles, the teachers made sure to keep a way for the students to win. Otherwise, you never stood a chance. We were interested in observing how you each worked together and approached the task ahead. The training camp will focus on building your strength. Those who failed need those lessons the most. Telling you that you wouldn't get to go to the training camp was a logical deception we used."

Yuna let out a sigh, not surprised in the slightest. This was how Aizawa was, no matter how much it annoyed Yuna.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Iida exclaimed, suddenly standing up from his seat. "This is the second time you've lied to us! Aren't you afraid we'll lose faith in you?"

"That's a good point, I'll consider it," Aizawa replied. Though, Yuna somehow got the idea that he wouldn't think about it too hard. "But I wasn't lying to you about everything. Failure is failure. We've prepared extra lessons for the three who failed. Frankly, they'll be tougher than what you'd face at summer school."

In front of her, Kaminari let out a sigh of relief that made Yuna internally smile. She poked him in the back to get his attention and Kaminari turned around with a questioning look. She smiled at him, "Your welcome."

Kaminari rolled his eyes and let out a huff, "Yeah, whatever."

Aizawa then handed out booklets before dismissing the class. Yuna opened the one she had been given and flipped through it, skimming the headlines. After a few minutes, the class had begun to pack up and Yuna grabbed her bag before moving to stand next to Kaminari, who was talking to Iida and Midoriya.

"It looks like we'll be at the training camp for a full week," Iida said, looking through the booklet

"I'm gonna need to find a bigger suitcase," Midioriya muttered.

"Yeah, I don't even have a bathing suit. Guess I need to buy some stuff." Kaminari said, earning a confused look from Yuna.

"How do you not have a swimsuit?" Yuna questioned.

Kaminari shrugged, "I don't know I've just never needed one."

"Yeah, ok," Yuna replied with a huff. Then she let out a sigh, "I'm probably gonna need some stuff too."

"Guys, since we're off tomorrow and we've finally finished exams, I have the best idea!" Hagakure exclaimed, Yuna imagining she was smiling. "Why don't we all go shopping together?"

"Hey, yeah! We've never hung out as a class before." Kaminari agreed, then he seemed to realize something and looked at Yuna. "Though, I was thinking tomorrow would be a good day for... oh never mind."

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