Chapter 58

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A few days passed and Yuna finally felt at home in her new dorm. The first day had been a bit strange. She had to remind herself in the morning that she had moved into the dorms and had to completely change her normal morning routine. But after only a few days, her morning routine was set and she was becoming accustomed to living in the dorms.

Something that surprised her was the lack of questioning about her connection to Miori. Kaminari told her he let it slip to the class during the attack in an attempt to let everyone know she was danger. She insisted that it was ok after he apologized for it multiple times. But despite everyone knowing, no one had really said anything to her. She assumed that was because Kaminari had also told them not to bring it up or be rude to her about it. She was asked by her classmates if she was ok after everything that happened, but they respected her privacy and didn't ask any questions about Miori.

But now, Yuna was in her hero costume sitting in front of an Ectoplasm clone as she skimmed a list of constellations she made. They were in Gym Gamma at what was called the "Training Dining Lab" and had been working to come up with super moves for the last few days.

Yuna let out a long sigh as she set her list of constellations on the ground in front of her. She had been trying to figure out which ones to try out for the past few minutes. She already had plans to make summoning multiple constellations one of her ultimate moves. She had always liked the idea of summoning a stampede of constellations and had been working on that for the past few days. But she also wanted to find just one constellation that could work as a super move. And if she wanted to do that, she'd have to find one that could be super effective in many different situations.

She picked up the list after running her hands through her hair and scanned it before one caught her attention. Gemini. The one time she had tried to summon the Gemini constellation before, it had drained her of a ton of energy and she was never able to get it past the glowing dots stage. But that was a few years ago. She always wondered what would happen if she summoned Gemini, and now she was finally going to find out.

Yuna folded the paper and tucked it into a random pouch on her utility belt before standing up. The Ectoplasm clone watched her as she took a deep breath before drawing the Gemini constellation. Small glowing dots appeared where stars would be in the constellation before they converged into a larger glowing light. Yuna suddenly felt energy being drained from her, like she had just sprinted a marathon. Yuna took in a deep breath and closed her eyes for just a second before opening them to see another version of her staring back at her. Yuna let out a yelp and stumbled back at the sight of her sudden clone. The idea that Gemini would take her appearance had crossed her mind, but she figured the constellation would have the same translucent, stary form as all the other constellations. But this one looked just like her. It was like she had summoned her non-existent identical twin.

"Woah, Yuna, are there two of you?" Kaminari questioned with amazement in his voice. Yuna looked over to where he was on a pillar a little above her. He was standing on the edge looking down at her with slightly wide eyes.

Yuna glanced from Kaminari, to the constellation in front of her, then back to Kaminari, "Uh, sort of?"

"That's so cool!" Kaminari exclaimed with a grin that made Yuna blush. She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the constellation and Kaminari's Ectoplasm clone scolded him for getting distracted.

So I can create a double of myself. Yuna thought to herself as she walked around her clone. I wonder...

Yuna stopped in front of the clone and took a deep breath before she mentally told it to summon the little Dipper constellation The clone took a step back from Yuna before drawing out the little Dipper. Yuna's eyes widened as the glowing dots appeared before a little transparent bear cub appeared. Though Yuna's excitement was cut off by the immediate amount of exhaustion she felt that made her collapse to her knees and cause the two constellations to disappear. Yuna took in a shaky breath. She could feel a headache coming on and her body felt weak. It was like how she felt the first few times she summoned a constellation when she first got her quirk. Even when pushing herself way past her limits, she hadn't felt this type of exhaustion in a long time. She had barely done anything and wasn't able to stand, it was a horrible feeling.

But if she could summon Gemini without collapsing, it would give her a huge advantage. She'd be able to throw off enemies with her clone and then attack them with it. It'd be like having a battle partner, except that partner is another Yuna. The only issue would be that she'd have to get to the point where she can easily summon three constellations without having many issues, and that'd be especially hard when one of those constellations took a ton of energy out of her on its own. But hopefully, she'd get to that point and it'd mean she could summon two of the same constellations, something she thought would be impossible.

Her attention was drawn from her thoughts when she her commotion as Bakugo used one of her super moved only for a piece of the cement to break off and start to fall directly where All Might was standing. Yuna tensed knowing she wouldn't be able to do anything in time to save him, but her worry disappeared as she saw a flash of green lightning as Midoriya jumped into the air and smashed the rock with a kick before landing back on the ground.

Yuna heard Midoriya mention his new fighting style to Kirishima and Kaminari before their conversation was interrupted by Class 1-B.

"That's enough Class A," Vlad called out as he walked through the entrance with him class following him. Yuna moved to sit with her legs dangling off the side of the pillar she was on as Vlad continued, "Class B is scheduled to use this facility every afternoon. Easer, get your kids out of our way."

"You're not trying to kick us out early when we have ten whole minutes left, are you?" Aizawa questioned with irritation in his voice.

"Hey, did you hear? The license exam has a 50 percent pass rate. That means your entire class might fail." Monoma said, causing Yuna to roll her eyes as Monoma started laughing.

"Unfortunately his observation is correct," Tokoyami stated as his dark shadow disappeared. "If we're taking the same exam, then we'll crush each other."

"And that's why our classes won't be in the same location," Aizawa replied. "Our classes applied to different spots."

"There are two exam days, in Juna and September. And the tests are held in three different places. We don't want students from the same school fighting. We split you up. Each school has no more than one class at a single location." Vlad explained.

Monoma made some other comment and started laughing again as Yuna stared at the ground. The license exam would be against students from other schools, most of which were older than them and had more experience. Especially more experience with their quirks than Yuna. And it was a very real possibility that she could fail.

Yuna took a deep breath. The license exam wouldn't be easy. But if she passed, it would be a huge step toward her goal.

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