
Luke quickly grabbed Percy and scooped him up in his arms. He wasn't prepared for the agonized scream that came from the boy. Percy's head rolled and rested on Luke's shoulder. Strangled cries coming from him.

Tears fell down Luke's face. 'I have him. Get us out.'

The scene in front of him vanished as he appeared in Percy's room in the Chaos cabin. Percy was groaning from the movement. "Percy, we have you. You're gonna be okay. I promise." Luke whispered to his friend. Not knowing if he could hear him or not.

Any color that was still in Chaos' face was now gone at the sight of Percy in Luke's arms. The boy was extremely pale and covered in fresh and dried blood. He looked dead. Chaos took note of his wings, broken; the damage done to his body was horrifying. He instantly took his son in his arms, ignoring the screams of pain, and placed him on the bed.

Annabeth stood by the door, hand covering her mouth as tears fell down her face at the sight of him. She wanted to rush to Percy's aid but knew Chaos was his best chance. So she stayed put, frozen in shock.

Chaos and Luke started addressing the damage. Both forced their emotions down to better handle the situation and make sure he wouldn't die on them. "Luke, start cleaning what you can. I need to figure out why he isn't healing."

As Luke started wiping the blood off, Chaos placed his hand on Percy's forehead. He didn't like how cold and clammy he felt under his touch. He closed his eyes and slowly started mending any broken bones and internal damage. Luke flinched as he heard some ribs click into place as they mended themselves. He jumped as Percy screamed in pain again when both his wings were mended. He remembered the pain his brother was in the last time that happened and didn't want to think about it happening again; yet this time it was both.

He turned his attention to the nasty wound on Percy's shoulder and started to clean it. He felt something hard in the center of the wound. "Chaos, I think something is lodged..."

Suddenly Percy's eyes shot open as his body began to respond to Chaos's healing. His eyes were clouded by pain as he tried to focus on what as happening. Noticing his limbs free he fought to escape his prison, the grasp of the hands holding him.

"Percy! Percy, it's okay! You're okay! We got you. You're safe!" Luke said, holding him down to not hurt himself more. Percy didn't listen. Tartarus wasn't going to trick him like this with those visions.

"Perce! Please! Calm Down!"

He croaked out, "N-no, you're n-not r-real." Luke looked crestfallen as he fought against them, wondering what kind of things they made him endure. He tried to keep him as still as possible as he thrashed around. "Percy you are hurting yourself more! I promise it's me!"

Chaos tried to think of something to say but knew nothing he said would make a difference, so he wrapped Percy's hand in one of his own and started stroking his head like he usually did when Percy was distressed.

Percy felt the warmth of a hand begin to run through his hair. His terror filled eyes finally locked on to Chaos'. "Dad?" He croaked out. Still not sure this was real.

"I'm here Percy, you're safe now." He whispered reassuringly as he squeezed his hand and pressed his forehead to the boys. Percy's body was shaking, and his emotions flooded him as a sob escaped his lips. He felt so cold, so helpless, so tired. Chaos was instantly running a hand through his dirty and bloodied hair again, sending soothing words to him. "Ssshhhh, Perce we got you. I'm here. It will be okay."

Luke went back to cleaning and turned his attention to the wound on his shoulder again. He gently touched it and Percy's body tensed. Luke looked up at his friend. Eyes opened the slightest, Luke could see the pain he was in. "Perce, what's in your shoulder?"

Percy croaked out slowly, "D-dagger-... it t-took...m-my powers."

That drew his father's attention. He instantly looked at the wound... closing his eyes and slowly lifted the dagger out. Careful not to cause more damage. Percy let out a cry of pain as the dagger was removed but instantly breathed out a sigh of relief when it was gone. The radiating pain it was causing began to fade.

Chaos could feel Percy's aura increase again and he let out a small breath of relief knowing he wasn't going to die. Whatever that blade was made of highly concerned him. He studied it closely before realizing what it was. He incinerated the blade with a snap of his fingers. And then hovered his hand over Percy's chest. A soft glow appeared as he searched Percy's body for any remnant of the substance.

Percy's breathing was laboring and painful to listen to, but some color began to slowly come back to his face. His body felt terrible, racked with pain and discomfort, but he could at least sense his powers again, even if barely.

"Chaos what was that?" Luke questioned. "It was a dagger made of a substance long lost to the present world. Order must have made it. The substance itself acts as a prohibitor to power. He must have used it on Percy." Luke paled slightly at the thought. If Order had more of those...

"T-there..." Percy coughed, "were t-two." Chaos and Luke both looked at him. Percy moved his hand to his side where the other dagger would have been before he ripped it out. Chaos instantly made sure nothing was left of the dagger before healing most of each wound. Luke set to wrapping them after Chaos finished with each one.

Chaos could feel the trembles going through Percy's body. Chaos rested his hand on Percy's forehead, trying to lessen the pain he was in while also healing some more wounds. He would normally let Percy's body heal itself, but it currently needed all the help it could get. Percy leaned into the touch as he closed his eyes and welcomed the warmth. Tears still trailed from his squinted eyes.

"I-it's c-cold." Voice fragile and horse.

"I know, you lost too much blood. Almost done." Luke answered softly. Working quicker so he could get Percy wrapped in a blanket to raise his body heat.

"Sleep Percy, I'm not going anywhere." Chaos whispered out. Percy relaxed more at his voice but fought against fatigue. Yet, after a few minutes he finally believed this was really happening and gave into the exhaustion coursing through him.

Annabeth hadn't had the strength to approach him before he was out again. Seeing him like that... it was almost too much. They had been through a lot together, but this was something else entirely. She slowly made her way across the room, taking in the progress they had made. The wounds were slowly closing, and the deeper ones Luke was taking care of gently, wrapping them up. Most of them would become scars. All the blood that had covered him was gone and only a few were still bleeding.

"Seaweed brain..." She mused out as she sat at the end of the bed, resting a hand on his leg. Percy looked so lifeless as he laid there... "I'll be back. I need a few minutes." She forced out before leaving the room in a rush.

As Luke wrapped the last deep wound up with gauze around Percy's chest Chaos snapped his fingers. Replacing the bed comforter and sheets and putting Percy in clean loose clothes.

Luke gazed at his friend in dismay. His eyes showed the distress he was in emotionally. Voice shaking as he spoke, "Gods... Chaos, he... there was so much blood...." He looked down at himself and realized he was covered in Percy's blood as well from carrying him. His hands trembled as the adrenaline began to fade.

Chaos was by his side, causing clean clothes to appear on himself and Luke, pulling him into a hug. "You got him out Luke. Thank you. He will be okay."

Luke just nodded as he gazed at his friend on the bed. He already looked a lot better, and it gave him some courage. Percy was strong but torture like this was not something any of them had experienced. As he pulled away from Chaos, a comfy sofa appeared, and they sat down. Chaos took hold of Percy's hand and was rubbing little circles with his thumb absent mindedly as Luke leaned back and closed his eyes.

Neither one of themplanned on leaving his side any time soon.

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant