"I hope you're right, it is strange that I miss him so much, maybe Kal and Batman are right, is there something affecting my behaviour?" Kara asked though it was mostly a question to herself.

Kori shook her head "While you may have felt an animalistic need to mate before, it would've become more manageable after the initial coupling"

She then turned Kara around "Close your eyes" she asked and Kara after hesitating for a moment complied.

"Now without thinking, tell me what you'd want to do most if Mark was here right now" Kori asked.

"Hold me and tell me that he loves me and is happy that I'm pregnant" she blurted out immediately, Kori saw that Kara surprised herself with that answer as she opened her eyes immediately after and had a cute look of confusion on her face.

Kori just smiled at her "If it was not real then you'd only wish Mark was here to engage in relations with you, but your first thought was to seek comfort from him" she said as she stroked her hair.

Kara smiled and nodded her head "Thank you Kori" she said as she hugged the taller girl, ignoring the fact that her face was pressed into the taller girl's large breasts.

"I do hope Mark likes me when we see him, it would be quite shameful should he find my appearance repulsive," Kori said as she hugged Kara, even though she put up a brave front for her friend, she had insecurities of her own as in her mind she wasn't just meeting another person but someone from legend, it was akin to a human meeting their favourite book character in reality.

Kara looked up clearly not understanding the meaning of her words "He will think you're amazing just like I do" she said with a smile as she hugged the taller girl tighter.

Kori couldn't help the small blush that appeared on her face 'Just as you do... Kara how scandalous, especially when we both stand here without any clothing' she thought to herself.

"Kara! Dinner is getting cold!" They both jumped as they heard Martha shout once again.

Kara detached herself from Kori and started getting dressed "Come on we shouldn't keep them waiting much longer"


"This really isn't a good idea Barb" Dick Grayson said as he watched Barbara typing away on the Bat Computer.

"I need to know Dick, this whole thing is just wrong" Barbara said as she typed away on the computer, she then took a memory stick out of her pocket and connected it to the Computer. A screen popped up as it started to decrypt all of Bruce's files.

"You said this guy was responsible for killing Green Arrow? Then it sounds like he's getting what he deserves" Dick said with a shrug as he sat down on a chair.

Barbara turned around and glared at Dick "This isn't right Dick, Omni-Man should've gotten a trial and be sentenced like all our other villains, there are certain lines we can't cross as heroes and imprisoning someone for over a decade without trial is one of them"

"What about the consequences, didn't Bruce say that he might call for backup," Dick asked

"I want to trust Bruce but what he's doing now isn't right, they are trying to capture Mark and do who knows what with him, he never killed anyone before and yet they want to lock him up and throw away the key, so at the moment I'm not even sure if Bruce was telling the truth," Barbara said with a sigh, she knew Mark and Bruce well and they were both good people, but she couldn't help but side with Mark when she knew he was innocent 'Barring the protection racket of course' she thought to herself.

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