✨️Episode 2✨️

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You: I have to find a place for hide from these boys.(running so much fast but suddenly bumped with someone and you fall and now you are so much afraid but you cant see her face clearly beacuse of night).

??: you are here( he slowly came toward you and he was about to come to you).

You: Ahhhhhhhhhhh

??: Didi, what happened? Wake up, wake up, Didi

You: Don't come near me(screaming with closing her eyes)

??: I am Akshra didi(you wake up from your dream when you hear that she is akshra)

You: ohh it is a dream.

Akshra: Did that dream come to you again?(Akshra knows about your dream)

You: Hmm, It's been a month since I had this dream.

Akshra: Leave it. You know Kabier came to India today in the evening flight.

You: What? Seriously! You are not doing joke naa.

Akshra: Ha ha meri didu he is coming.

You: I am so excited, so what is the timing of the flight

Akshra: Hmm, 5:15pm and Papa say that we both will go and mamma and papa will prepare a surprise for his arrival.

You: OK..
(They both freshen up and go downstairs for breakfast)

Time skips to 5:00....

(They both are waiting for their brother)

Akshra: Di vo raha(pointing on him)

Y/n and Akshra ran towards Kabier and hugged him tightly

Kabier: Hey, you both leave me. Will you take my life by suppressed me.(chuckled).

Y/n & Akshra: So what should we do. You have come after 2 years(with pout)

Kabier: We will settle our house here or we should go home (with tiredness).

Akshra: OK ok let's go home.(chuckled)

...............Time skips at the house...........


Now, our episode is finished now. Till that take care and byeeee👋🏻👋🏻

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