Chapter 2

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"Princess, we have arrived " said the knight.

Stepping out of the carriage, Annora looked at the palace in front of her which was both familiar and unfamiliar. It held some of her precious memories with her mother. But more than those happy days, it reminded her of her mother's death.

Seeing her in a daze, the knight reminded Annora to go ahead to meet the King and not let him wait for her.

Annora entered the palace with Eira behind her. The knight's took her all the way to the court to meet King Derek.

As she entered the court, she could feel everyone staring at her and whispering in low voices. Annora kept her head low as she walked ahead. Though she did not want to, but she had to do so to hide the emotions in her eyes.

Before she can gain the trust of King Derek, she cannot let these people know her true face. So she can only pretend to be an obedient and timid girl who is happy to reunite with her family.

King Derek stood up from his throne and a happy smile bloomed on his face as he saw Annora.

"Annora, my daughter!"

"It's been 10 years and you have already grown into a beautiful maiden."

Annora raised her head and tears flew from the corner of her eyes as she called "Father "

"Annora, your father has missed you all these years and now you are back. After your mother's incident 10 years ago, I had to send you away to protect you. Finally after so many years, I can restore your title as a princess and bring you back to the palace."

"It's alright Father. It's been hard on you " said Annora.

King Derek stepped forward to hold Annora's hands and said "Look, there are so many people who have come to welcome you . Everyone's delighted with your arrival, especially your brother, Elric."

Annora looked at Elric who came forward to greet her.

"Annora, it's good that you are back. Our family has finally been reunited again."

Annora tried her best to hide her hatred for Elric and smiled lightly.

She had nothing but deep rooted hatred and anger for this stepbrother of her's. Elric was the son of her father's mistress before her father married her mother. But now he is the Prince, as King Derek made Elric's mother his legitimate wife and Queen after her mother's death, despite her being of a small official's daughter.

Suddenly a pair of hands came forward to hug her and said "Annora, my's been hard on you all these years. Do not worry, your mother will take care of you from now on."

This was Rowena, Elric's mother. Annora laughed inwardly at their great performance. Hiding her disgust, she tried to come out of Rowena's embrace.

"Queen Rowena, I hope you have been well" said Annora with a smile on her face.

"Annora, you should take rest for now. You have travelled so far and must be tired. His highness has thrown a banquet in the evening for you. Let the maids take you back to your room."

" Thank you, Queen Rowena " said Annora before leaving with the maids.

As she was walking away, Annora could feel a burning gaze on her from behind but she could only ignore it for now. Anyways, there would be no one who was actually happy with her return and they were trying their best to put on a good show.

Wiping away the tears from her face, Annora smirked. If these people can pretend to this extent, she can do it too.

Eira followed behind Annora trying to keep distance between them and the maids. She was not sure when and in which way, they would try to harm her Princess. Thus, she could only try her best to protect her by being close to her.

The maids led Annora to her room. It was the same room she had been living in when she was a child. The furnishings have been changed and everything seemed new here. It was no longer the room her mother had decorated for her.

"Princess, the water for your bath has been prepared. We will help you with the bath." said the maid.

" There's no need for that. Eira can help me. You can just tell her where everything is kept."

" But princess..."

Before the maid could say anything, Annora interrupted her and asked " what's your name?"

" Princess, I am called Orla. Her majesty,the Queen has instructed me to take care of you." said the maid.

"So you have been sent by the Queen." said Annora as she sat on the couch.

" Yes,Princess Annora. We all have been sent by the Queen."

"Alright, I will call you when I need your help. For now you can stay outside. Eira can help me with the bath. You can prepare my clothes and get me a cup of tea."

Annora closed her eyes leaning back on the couch and Eira stood beside her as she stared at the maids with sharp eyes.

" We will get them right away." said Orla as she walked out with the other maids.

After the maids went away, Eira looked around every corner of the room and said " Princess, there is nothing suspicious in the room but we have to be alert. These maids are sent by the Queen to keep an eye on you."

Annora kept her eyes closed as she said "I knew she would not leave me alone but it's alright. She cannot find anything against me."

After taking a bath, Annora took a nap but she could not sleep well. It has been like this since her mother's death. She could never get a good sleep and often woke up in the middle of the night.

Just then, Eira came inside and said "Princess, sorry for disturbing your rest. Our informer in the palace has sent a message for you."

Annora quickly woke up as she looked towards Eira and said "Continue."

Eira showed her the piece of paper while she said " The message says that tonight's banquet may not be simple. A few days ago while we were on our way to the capital, Grand Duke of Emerade has arrived here. He seems to be here for peace talks between Albelone and Emerade."

Annora was surprised by hearing this. It was common for envoys from different countries to visit for peace talks but this time it may be different. Albelone has been in a war with Emerade for many years and it was alright if they came here just for the peace treaty.

But the timing is what makes it more suspicious. King Derek restoring her title as a princess was the most suspicious thing here and she could not understand his reason behind doing all this. Why would he bring someone back who can be a threat for him and his son Elric.

Her return and the Emerade envoy's arrival must have something to do with each other. Her intuition says that the King must be planning something big.

Annora : The Princess of AlbeloneWhere stories live. Discover now