Chapter 1

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"Princess Annora, please accept the royal decree. His highness, King Derek has restored your title as the Princess of Albelone and you are asked to return to the capital. Please allow this knight to escort you back to the royal palace safely."

'To take her back to the royal palace as a Princess'

Annora tried her utmost to hold back her laughter hearing the knight's words. To them, she is nothing more than a useless chess piece which can be thrown out of the game anytime. It was not a request but a command from the King of Albelone.

Going back to the place which once used to be her home, she could no longer feel any joy but only hatred and the boiling blood in her veins which was thirsty for revenge.

And here it is. This was her chance to exact 'Revenge' on her enemies.

Looking at the knight's smug expression, Annora guessed, he must be thinking that she was extremely delighted to even say anything. Following her father for years, his knights have become the same as him - delusional, so much that they could not see the burning rage in her eyes.

"Sir, I'll be returning with you to the capital as per the King's order. But before that, can I get some time to take few of my things with me?" said Annora.

"Princess, the King has asked to take you back to the palace as soon as possible. His highness misses his daughter very much and is eager to see you. So, we cannot give you much time " said the knight.

"Do not worry, Sir Oliver. I will not take much time and will been done soon."

There was not much that she could take with her except for the things left by her mother and Eira,who would come along with her. She is the daughter of her mother's trusted handmaid and her only friend, Eira Clarence, who has been by her side since her birth.

Before leaving, Annora wanted to thank the villagers for taking care of her all these years, but the royal knight's kept their eyes on them and would not allow her to step out in the name of not delaying the journey.

This was the kind of life she has been living since she was seven - being kept under watch. But this was no surprise for her as she had expected her father and her stepbrother, Elric to have their guards up against her. After all, ever since she was sent here ten years ago, he has sent his men here to report her every single move to him.

King Derek would never allow her to become a threat to them. But they were unaware of what she was capable of. She had already received the news from her sources that her father might come looking for her and therefore was prepared for what would be coming ahead. Eira had given the instructions to their people and they might have started to execute their plans by now.

Looking at the spacious and grand carriage, one could say that it was the carriage of a royal prince or princess. She must say, the King is trying his best to play the role of a loving father. She was sure, him asking her to return is never out of his sudden fatherly love.

As she sat in the carriage, Annora could not help but think about the past. It's been 10 years since the incident that took away everything from her.

Her mother's tears and the screams of her loved one's, still haunts her every night. That horrific day when her mother was framed for betraying her own country and was hanged in front of the people of Albelone as a traitor. That was the day when her life was ruined.

Her mother, Queen Marianne Villiers was the wife of King Derek Dennison and the queen of Albelone and she, Annora Marianne Dennison was the beloved princess of Albelone before that day when they were suddenly arrested in the middle of the night and sent to the prison waiting for their sentence.

Her maternal family was sentenced to death by beheading and her mother was hanged in the middle of the streets of Albelone to prove the rightfulness of King Derek.

As for Annora, a seven year old girl was forced to watch the execution of her family and was later abandoned in a small village on the borders.

All of her dreams and ambitions were shattered in a second and all that was left was pain and grief. The seven year old Annora wanted escape this dreadful nightmare but she was not even allowed to die. Now, after 10 years, the only goal of her life is to avenge her mother.

Moving forward on this path, she might be plotted against and at worst, she will face death if she failed in her plans but she is not afraid of it. She is no longer the seven year old Annora who had many desires and dreams.

Only the blood of her enemies can quench her thirst. She vowed to take away everything precious to them and their loved ones, just like they took away her.

"Princess, please do not cry. Now, it's their turn to face retribution." said Eira.

Being interrupted, Annora realised that she has been crying all this while but not anymore because Eira is right. Now it will be their turn to shed tears and face nightmares.

Wiping away her tears, she said "You are right Eira. I will not cry anymore."

Holding the dagger given by her mother, Annora promised to herself -

"Mother, I pledge to kill each and everyone responsible for our family's death with my own hands. Until then, I shall not shed a single tear. You had always taught me to be a compassionate and benevolent person but I am sorry Mother, I might let you down. I cannot be the Princess you wanted me to be. Please forgive your daughter."

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