Chapter 19- Power Hungry

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Seaside City was left barren, empty. Which was a good thing. No civilians to be hurt. But no officers either, not now at least. No one around. No one to stop the giant hedgehog that was being mind controlled from ransacking the place.

"WHERE IN HELL ARE THEY?!" Starline screamed as Sonic tossed a truck into the side of a building. "We've been searching for hours and they're NOWHERE!"

"Maybe if you stop throwing things around we'll find them faster!" Metal shouted back.

"I thought we were SUPPOSED to destroy things? Let the people of this world know who is boss! To let them know that if they disobey they'll be slowly CRUSHED INTO NOTHING BUT A BLOODY MESS ON THE FLOOR! BEGGING FOR MERCY AS THEY FEEL THEIR BONES SHATTER!!!"

"Sweet Supernova, have you always been like this?" Metal mumbled as Starline began quietly yelling out exaggerated pleads and cries.

He scoffed. "Whatever. It's not like I will fully enjoy that while those four are still alive and doing who knows what? They probably already have a plan to stop us by now!"

"Hey, don't worry about it! You and me have known them for quite some time, and we both know a lot of things about them, right?" Metal said. His ear twitching a little. "Plus we have control over a giant hedgehog, filled to the brim with chaos energy! Remember? Nothing can get in our way!"

Starline sighed. "Right. You're right. I suppose there's no use worrying when they're all going to be dead in a matter of minuets." He grinned to him.

"Exactly! Those four certainly are a crafty bunch, I'll give them that. But..." Metal tilted Starline's head to watch Sonic with him, as he made his way towards the side of a small coffee shop. He slammed a fist into it and pulled out Knuckles and Shadow from its interior.

"Great job, Shadow!" Knuckels said sarcastically. "You teleported us into a coffee shop NEXT TO THE TWO MANIACS WHO ARE WANTING TO KILL US!"


"My, my, Shadow and Knuckles?" Metal said. He looked around. "Where are the other two."

"None of your damn business!"

"They must be taking another way..." Starline voiced.

"If they had came from G. U. N. then it would take almost 30 minuets to get here from there." Metal said. "They're probably trying to ambush us."

Starline shorted. "Right. Ambush."

"Are you mocking me?"

"What?! Of course not!" Starline exasperated. "Just go and search the area. I'll handle these two."

"And let your cockamamie self kill them?"


"These are the guys who we were so worried about?" Knuckles muttered to shadow.

"YOU BE QUIET!" The two shouted in unison.

Metal grit his teeth and huffed. "Okay! Fine! I'll go and scout the area. But I don't want you killing them, while I'm gone!" He gracefully turned his back to them, grinning madly as he began to walk away. "I want to see that."

Starline scoffed. "That bounder."

"Yeah, right! What an idiot!" Knuckles called out. "Best to get rid of him and do stuff yourself, eh?"

"Ohoho! Nice try, Echidna!" Starline chuckled. He tapped the side of his head. "I may not be as sane as the other doctors in my field, but I am STILL a doctor! I have my degree! And I know when some daft imbecile is trying to trick me!"

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