Chapter 3- A Future Problem

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Down, deep into the facility, deep into one twin-tailed fox's personal lab, the young mad scientist was deep into his work, creating a set of cuffs that could control their recent guests rather interesting superpower.

Speaking of which, he was dragged along with him and the rest of the group, as they didn't trust him to be alone with Sonic. Even if he was mostly powerless while he was chained. "This is humiliating..." he grumbled.

"Eh, you get used to it." Knuckles said.

"You didn't need to drag me here. The Fox could've took me here by himself."

"Yeah, but someone has to keep an eye on you while he does his work."

"Then what about him?" The hedgehog gestured to shadow.

"I'm here to make sure they don't destroy anything." Shadow folded his arms.

The hedgehog clenched his teeth. "Wow, that makes me feel so much safer." He got hit over the head by knuckles.

"HEY! If you got any problems with us, you can take it up with ME! Got it?" He clenched a fist at the hedgehog whom nodded in response.


The twin-tailed fox hopped over to the hedgehog and clasped the bracelets onto his wrists before freeing him from the various amounts of rope and whatever that bound him. "There we go! Now if everything goes well, they shouldn't explode on you!"

"I am still surprised you have a doctorate..." Shadow said to him.

"Cool. Great. Just great. We got all this sorted out." The hedgehog sighed. "No, wait. Why did I even let you put these things on me? I've been TELLING you guys that the world is gonna be ruined! And the longer we wait here, the closer that giant is going to start rampaging!!!"

"And we keep telling you that things are gonna be fine!" Knuckels said.


"I think they are." Shadow said. "They just don't like you."


"So... mister metal man." Sonic said with a suspicious brow raised. "What's your deal? Like, I know you said you want to show that not all aliens are as evil and dumb as Neo. But how are you gonna do that?"

Metal chuckled. "Honestly I'm not entirely sure. I think I will just help however I can."

"Help, huh?" Sonic glanced away from him. "Heh. Nice..."

"I don't blame you for being sceptical of me. I would be too if I had a one on one encounter with someone who wasn't so nice."

"Yeah, well, when a guy nearly kills you, you tend to not like that kind of people."

"I am surprised that you seem more... trusting of me, compared to your friends. Well, I guess they seem too not like that silver hedgehog more."

"Yeah, there just like that." Sonic rested himself on his night stand. He continued to talk. "Since the whole 'turning giant' thing and 'Neo' thing, they've been really protective and supportive of me. They HATE it when people treat me badly or say rude things about me."

"I can see that." Metal glanced over his shoulder. "... is that why you have that on your desk?"

He pointed to a small makeshift shed, like one of those mini houses made for play by kids, though a bit larger for an adult to fit in comfortably. It was completely made of plastic, but painted a variety of nice colours instead of the usual cheap colours it had.

"Oh. Yeah. They put that there a while ago." Sonic poked the side of it. "They were gonna use it, but they kinda forgot about it."

The alien pressed a hand to his chin. "Huh. That's something."

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