Chapter 17- Chaos Incarnate

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"My my! How observant you are, Miles!" Starline said so sweetly with a smile on his face. "You deserve a gold star!"

"Y-You... You've been behind this this whole time?!" Knuckles bellowed.

"Yes! Well... obviously I didn't do it alone. I had some help." Starline gestured to the side of him as if to present something, or someone. And from seemingly nowhere, came that cybernetic hedgehog, Metalix, giving a cheeky smile and wave.

"Hello there!" He said.


"Mhm! And yet, you waisted all that time worrying for your friend, you never bothered to dig a little deeper to find out the truth sooner." Metal shook his head. "Tisk tisk. I expected more of you. Especially the little fox. But then again, he did have a nasty tumble a bit ago, right?"

Tails scoffed at his remark. "I would expect this from someone like you, Metal. But you, Doctor? You said you loved your work! Why would you do this?!"

"BECAUSE IM SICK OF ALL THIS CRAP!!!" The doctor snapped, causing the group to reel back in shock. He composed himself, brushing the hair out of his face and adjusting his glasses, then clearing his throat before he spoke again.

"For years everything was the same old thing. The same endless loop. That's why I began to work with G. U. N.! The excitement of working with those like yourselves!" He gestured to the four of them, and Sonic behind them. "Every day, something new, different, chaotic!...." his eyes seemed to sparkle more and more with those words. "...But even then... it became the same old thing. The same. Endless. Draining. Cycle......"

"But... all of that changed when Sonic came into the facility. His sudden growth, and then the arrival of Neo..." He lightly chuckled in an ominous way. "Oh. I had the perfect idea! Unfortunately, Neo was gone before I could do anything about it. But then I met Metalix, here. Not even three months since Neo, believe it or not! He helped me bring everything into action!"

"So all this destruction. The fear of others... all of it was just because you were BORED?!" Silver said with bewilderment.

"Hmm... yeah. I suppose it is if you think about it." He smiled again.

"How? How are you even doing this?" Tails said.

"Oh, I think you already know, dear Miles!" Starline grinned. "It's all because of this!" And from his pocket, he pulled out a large and bright red gem that was practically glowing in his palm. A chaos emerald. The same one that was taken from Neo's robot.

"But, of course, like I said. I had some help." And beside him, Metal too, graciously pulled out his own emerald. The green one he had kept on his person all this time. "Oh, and did you know that chaos energy can be easily manipulated?... I thought that was interesting."

They froze in shock at the emeralds that laid comfortably in their palms, each of their faces coated in a layer of surprise, anger and disgust.

"You bastard!" Knuckles growled and prepared a strike for his face, but he was stopped by shadow.

"Then you knew all of us would have a chance in sabotaging your plans." He said. "so you tried to get rid of us, right?"

"Eh, sort of. If we're being honest, those past few times were more of a practice round." He giggled, then Metal butted in.

"Yeah, and you nearly killed me with that last one." He said.

"Hey, it was my first time! It's not like I'm going to take all of the glory from you!"

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