Chapter 7- Wide Games

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The sun had finally set past the horizon, leaving the sky an inky blackness that was only broken up by the stars that sprinkled over it. You couldn't really tell it from the inside of the facility, though.

There weren't really any windows, and any that would seem like some were only projections to the outside so that the people that practically lived there didn't go crazy. Not that they already aren't crazy, taking care of whatever and whoever is inside.

Speaking of which, Sonic had came back from the little adventure he had. He was in a much better mood now since his hang out with Helen, and her parents were just as nice as her. They said that because he's made their daughter so happy, that he could stop by and ask to hang out any time when she's home. It was a kindness that he had long missed.

He crawled through the small opening into the larger room that he and his friends made their hang out spot. It was one of the only rooms that would fit sonic. They still haven't made that doorway larger for him, though. He dusted off his shoes and turned to his group of friends who stood not far from him.

"So, you finally came home..." knuckles said with his arms folded.

Sonic put his hands to his hips. "Yeah, I just needed some fresh air 'is all."

"You can't just up and leave like that, Sonic!" Tails said.

Sonic groaned. "Ugh! You're sounding like Chuck did when I was 15!" He lifted a hand up. "Why are you suddenly so worried, anyways?"

"We became worried when you almost killed me!" Knuckles said.

"You already blacked out once! What would happen if you blacked out in who knows where?!" Tails shouted.

Sonic put both of his hands up in front of himself. "Okay! Yeah, I get that! But come on! I already have trouble with my size! I don't need to be worried about anything else!"

"The only reason why you didn't kill Knuckles is because he could hold your weight and more! If it was anyone else, they would be dead!"

"Okay okay! You're right! I'm sorry! I'll be more careful from now on."


Knuckles wrapped an arm around the fox's shoulders. "AND now that's settled! It's time for our usual... GAME NIGHT!"

"You're really exited about it, huh?" Sonic said.

Tails' ear twitched "Only because it's-"

"ITS MY TURN TO CHOOSE THE GAME, BITCHES!" Knuckles cheered. He grabbed Tails by the arm and pulled him away to another room. "Come on! Let's get Shadow and the others! It's gonna be great!"

"I've never seen another person get exited about card games like you do..." Tails mumbled.

Knuckles pointed at Sonic. "You stay right there! We'll be right back!" And he left with the twin-tailed fox.

Sonic sat next to the iron table that sat in the middle of the room, a spot that they had deemed to be their hang out spot whenever they're together, on occasion they would go to a makeshift game room that the General somehow allowed them to make, though Sonic was a bit too big to join them in.

He looked down at his feet and tapped the tips of his shoes together as he waited. He knew what kind of game Knuckles was going to choose, it was the only kind of card game he was good at. Go Fish. Well, that and Poker, but he gets so smug about it, and it usually ends in disaster.

They sure were taking a while, longer than he was used to. Did Shadow hide the cards so they wouldn't have to play them? Heh, wouldn't that be something...

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