Chapter 12- Apathetically Sympathetic

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Sonic walked along the streets of the small town, buildings that were at most two or three stories tall stretched across each side of the roadways. Small houses that were sprinkled in with various shops, mostly for groceries and what have you. All or most that were about up to his knees compared to him.

This place was quiet, barely any people were around. A nice rural area. No tall buildings or densely packed people. A place that gave the giant hedgehog comfort. He didn't want to go into the city, it made his stomach squirm at the thought of it.

"You doing good Sonny?" Chuck called from his hand.

"Yeah. I'm good." Sonic responded.

"Good. Remember, If you want to go back home, you can at any time. I mean, we can't stop you if you do." Chuck laughed at his comment.

Sonic returned it with a chuckle. "I know, unc-"

"Oh look! A book store!" Amy beamed. "Let's stop there!"

"Amy, I believe that this trip is for Sonic." Chuck said.

"Heh. I don't mind it." Sonic said. "Just cause I'm in a slump, doesn't mean you guys can't treat yourselves."

"Really? You're really fine with it?"

"Yeah. No worries. I think I might walk around, see what's out there. Don't think I've been around here before."

"Hmm... I suppose I could get a new cook book. I've been meaning to expand the menu on the truck." He looked back up to Sonic. "You sure you'll be alright being left alone for a bit?"

"I think I will." Sonic said and placed them in front of the stores entrance. "Plus, I don't want to worry about it and start panicking and actually end up breaking something."

"If you say so."

"We won't be long!" Amy said and she made her way inside with Chuck tailing behind her.

Sonic walked away from the building. He wanted to see what was around here as he hadn't been in this town, surprisingly. Though, he had been in places like this before. Small towns with a little amount of people. He always appreciated them. The people were usually really nice, and the food- oh man, was it always spectacular. Actually, he could go for a little bit of grub now.

But where to? What kind of food? And what kind of place would serve a giant hedgehog like himself? Do they have a limit on how much food to serve a person? If they're worried about money, he has more than enough. Hmm...

He squatted in front of a building. One of those fast food places that served food that could give you a heart attack if eaten enough of it, but it would be just the right amount for this hedgehog. "Um, excuse me. Hello?"

There was no response. He tapped on the window this time. "Hellooo.... A giant hedgehog is wanting some food from your establishment." Nothing again. Maybe they couldn't hear him?

He knelt down and peered through the window. Oh, maybe he shouldn't have done that. As on the other side of the glass he saw the shocked or even frightened faces of the people outside.

"Oh, uh, sorry!" And he lifted his face from the building, slumping his arms to the side and frowning in disappointment. "Damn, I was in the mood for fast food too." He scratched his head. "Hmm... guess the people here aren't used to seeing someone like me. Even they've seen me online."

Actually, what was he expecting? That they would just come out and take his order like some sort of water? They didn't even have a drive through to do that.

He stood up. "Guess I can get something later. Maybe when I drop Amy and Chuck off at... huh?"

Only a couple of feet in front of him, there was a familiar face. He didn't recognize him at first, but he remembered that perm anywhere. "Uh, Doctor?" He said as he walked over to him.

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