Chapter 18- Chaos Is Power

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Not far off of the city a flash of light formed, and out spat the group of four, into the ground.

"Oh my god. Ugh... I'm gonna throw up!" Silver groaned.

"Ohhh... My head is spinning." Murmured Tails. "What the hell was that?"

"Shadow...?" Knuckles said as he tried to keep his balance.

Shadow was on his knees. He swayed a bit as the vertigo began to subside in his head. He felt light headed and dizzy, but now that tingling sensation inside of him disappeared. Well, not exactly. He could still feel it, that buzzing, but now it felt... better, less of an annoyance on his skin.

"I.... I don't know..." he muttered. "I just knew I had to get us all out of there and... and... I..." He tensed when knuckles suddenly wrapped his arm around him.

"Dude! You can teleport! That's AWESOME! I didn't even know you could do that!"

"...Me neither..." He looked at his palms.

"I can lift stuff with my mind, but even I don't think someone can just teleport." Silver said.

"The old man is a government experiment! So they could've given him some cool teleportation powers! Right?"

"No. No, Silver is right." Tails said. "That energy, the flash of light... it must be chaos energy!"

Knuckles tilted his head in confusion. "Uh, What-now?"

"I read in the files that Shadow was partially infused with some form of magical energy. That stuff must've been chaos energy!"

"The stuff that's inside of Sonic?"

"I have... chaos energy in me?" Shadow said in slight disbelief.

"Huh, guess what's why he's so tall." Knuckles said with a grin.

"That's it!" Silver said. "We can use that to stop those guys from controlling Sonic!"

"I don't think I can overpower two chaos emeralds." Shadow responded. "I don't even know how much is inside of me."

"Cant be that much if you're only like four feet tall." Knuckles added.

"That's not exactly what I was talking about." Silver clarified.

"Then what?" Knuckles butted in. "Cause if we can't take control of Sonic for ourselves, then I have no other ideas."

Tails pressed a hand to his chin and thought. "We won't be able to control him... but we CAN stop him from being controlled!"

"Uh, what?"

"I'll explain later. But right now, Shadow can you do what you did at Seaside City again? But this time into G. U. N."

"I can try." Shadow said with a pause. He grabbed a hold of each of them, then stood there with his eyes closed. He focused, allowing the energy inside of him to flow freely through his body. A bright light formed in his chest and soon it engulfed the four of them, leaving nothing once it faded.


"For the last time! I'm not going to bring the military out!" The general shouted into the reviver. "We already have officers on the ground assessing the situation, and I have sent Sonic and his friends down to help." She paused to let the person on the other side speak. "YES I KNOW HES HAVING PROBLEMS, ANTOINE! BUT HES STILL THE BEST AGAINST ROBOTNIK! Now, unless you want me to put you on leave, this will be the end of the conversation." She paused again. "Thank you! Have a great day!" And she slammed the phone down on the table once the call had ended.

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