Chapter 16- The Storm

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"Okay, uh. How are we going to do this?" Silver said with a waver in his voice.

"All the times Sonic has snapped out of this trance, he was hit with something." Tails said. "We need to get something to hit his head."

"Yeah, and that guy knows how to dodge." Knuckles said. "We'll need to distract him in order to do that."

Shadow looked up at the giant hedgehog before them, stood unmoving, chillingly still. His hollow eyes that seemed to glow against the near setting sun stared at them just as still as he was.

"Me and Silver will distract him while you and Tails find a way to get to him." Shadow said to Knuckles.


"Hey! We don't have time for this!" Silver barked. "We need to do it now!"

Knuckles nodded. "Right. Just hope you know what you're doing. Come on, Tails!" And they split off in opposite directions.

"Shadow, can you lift me up on that light post?" Silver asked.

Shadow nodded, and just as quickly helped launch him onto the lamp post above. He watched him climb to the top for a second before getting to higher ground himself.


He held onto the post for dear life as Sonic ripped it from the ground and held him out to his face. "Uh... I think I might've misjudged the situ-ATION!!!"

Sonic began to swing the pole violently with silver in tow who could only cling like a cat to a tree, he only let go once Sonic slammed the light post into the side of the building. It dragged along the wall, creating a long hole in the side of it. And Silver, the poor boy, fell to the concrete. The planted trees just barely managed to cushion his fall to the ground below.

"SILVER!" Shadow shouted in horror. But he should have stayed quiet. Now Sonics attention was on him.

He backed up till his back pressed to the wall behind him as Sonic walked over to the fire escape that he stranded on. His quills shot stiff and he tried to keep his fear from showing, but his body shook as he stared into Sonic's eyes. The giant's iris creating a dim green glow through the dark shadow casted in front of him, his pupils glaring a faint red colour, similar to that of a bad camera flash.

Shadow's eyes darted around for a means to escape, but there was none, none that he could get to easily or to escape without Sonic catching up. He tensed with Sonic's movements, watching him slowly lift up a fist then move it towards him.

Shadow braced for the impact, expecting but dreading when his body will inevitably be crashed through the wall he was pressed upon. But strangely there was nothing, only a faint thump that came from beside him.

He hesitated to, but he lowered his arms from his face and stared out with confusion. Sonic didn't attack him. Instead, he gently pressed his fist against the wall just off of his side. His expression didn't change. It was still blank and devoid of emotion. So why hasn't he hit him yet? Was there some sliver of Sonic that was trying to get out? Or... was he just messing with him? But why would he?

Shadow was encased in the hedgehogs palm and lifted into the air before he could say anything. He squirmed as he was pressed against it, he could feel the force around him shift as he was moved and tilted with the giants own movements.

That tingling sensation was back, he could feel it through his whole body. But this time that sensation began to sting, like hot wax against the skin, the feeling was worse where his body pressed against the giants hand. Perhaps Sonic could feel it too, as he uncurled his fist, but still pressed a finger or two against the hedgehog he kept prisoner in his hand.

Shadow continued to squirm and shift, barring his teeth and growling at Sonic who now suddenly brought him close to his face, it made him freeze for a second. He stared into his giant irises that still glowed like large night lights. His view would be cut short, as Sonic encased him fully in his fist again, and now raised it and prepared to strike with him inside.

"HEY!" Knuckels voice caught Sonics attention and he turned to his voice, being struck in the side of his face seconds after.

Sonic stumbled backwards and fell into the building to the side of him. Releasing Shadow from his grip and made him fall to the ground below. Luckily, he was caught by Knuckles who held onto Tails.

"You alright?" Knuckles said to him. And after Shadow shook off the fuzzy feeling from his skin, he huffed out a small "yeah." in return.

"Ugh! Heavyyyy!!!" Tails groaned as he struggled to keep them all up in the air.

"Oh, right!" Knuckles said and swung Shadow to a nearby ledge to stand on. Then he allowed Tails to drop himself on the nearest platform. He made sure that Tails didn't collapse beside him and he huffed out the air in his lungs, wiping the sweat off his brow. "Man, that could've gone a lot worse."

"And a lot better..." Tails added.

"Yeah, but no one was badly hurt!" The ground shook when Sonic finally fell off to the side of them, passed out cold. He looked over to Tails to make sure he was okay, and other than being a little frazzled, he seemed to be. Tails opened his mouth to say something, but knuckles placed a hand to cut him off. "Yeah, don't- just don't."

He walked over with him to Silver, who was being helped onto his feet by Shadow. "Everyone okay?" He said and received a nod in return. "Good."

"Are you alright, Silver?" Shadow said.

"My head is ringing. But I've been hit harder..." Silver responded, chuckling afterwards.

"That's good. But we should still make sure nothing is broken."

Knuckles nodded. "Yeah, and speaking of hits, um... you don't think I hit Sonic too hard, right?"

"He can take a beating." Tails said. "He should be okay."

"Still, he's passed out cold. That's never happened before."

"Like Tails said, he should be fine." Shadow said. "We should let G. U. N. handle him for now."

"Indeed! I'm sure your friend is in good hands!" A voice shot out from behind them. And when they turned to see who it was, they found none other than the doctor that had nuzzled his way into this whole kerfuffle.

"Doctor? What are you doing here?" Shadow said. His quills instinctively shot out and he was on guard again.

"Shadow, please! You've known me the longest out of everyone here!" The doctor said gracefully. "You can call me Dr. Starline."

"Right. Whatever. Why are you here?"

"Yeah, you seem to have a nack on inserting yourself in places where you have no business in being!" Knuckles said.

"Ah, yes, well, I can't help that you lot are an interesting bunch." He grinned widely when he said that.

"So you are here for entertainment?" Shadow said, narrowing his eyes at the platypus.

"Goodness, no!.... Well, I suppose it is if you think hard enough about it, really." His words didn't persuade the group before him. "But I promise you that that's not the reason I'm out here! After all, someone has to look after this hedgehogs rampages."

His grin became wider with each word and it curled up to one side in a devious way. Tails' eyes widened with his sentence, everything clicked into his mind.

"You." He growled. "You're the one who's been doing this to sonic!"

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