Chapter 4- light Shining

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It was a beautiful day out, still like it was earlier. The hot sun shining down was only nulled by a cool breeze that blew across the area. And here was a pink hedgehog that sat quietly on a bench in a park. She sat there reading a book, silently listening to the sounds of the world. It calmed her. She let a sigh pass her smile.


An all too familiar noise twitched her ear. What was it? Only she, among a few other people recognized the sound. She continued to read her book, pretending not to hear the noise as soon the ground began to lightly shake with every thump. A large shadow casted across her. There came one last 'thump' then it all stopped.

She looked from her book and came face to face with a big blue hedgehogs big blue mug. His face was upside down, as he had arched himself over to her. "Hey Ames!" He said with his usually big grin.

"Hello Sonic." Amy said smiling at him.

"Doin' anything special today?"

"Just talking to a giant hedgehog, nothing out of the ordinary."

Sonic laughed. "Okay. I get it." He flipped over and stood on his feet again, then turned around to face her. "So what's on the menu for today?"

"Oh, nothing, really. I just wanted to enjoy the day with you!"

He grinned and winked. "Well, that is something I can get behind!" He shielded his eyes from the sun as he looked up to the vibrantly blue sky. "It is a nice day out! You wanna just go for a walk around the area?"

"Sure! But maybe you can...."

"... You really insist on me carrying you?"

"Don't tell me you wouldn't want to be carried by someone over ten times your size."

He rolled his eyes. "Alright, come here." He gently wrapped his hand around her torso before lifting her up and placing her in his palm. "Sooner or later my arm is gonna fall off from carrying you so much."

"Then we'll just have to give you new arms."

A laugh escaped Sonics chest. He was amused by the comment. "You are really something, Ames."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She responded with a brow raised.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." Sonic began walking and Amy took the time to look out over his hand. "You don't feel, nervous being this high up?"

"No. I know you'll keep me safe!"

"Oh really?"

"Of course! You're too much of a softie to hurt anyone else- AH!" She was dumped from one hand to the other, carefully but slightly aggressively. "Ah! Don't do that, Sonic! You really startled me!"

"Sorry about that, Ames." He chuckled. "But you asked for it!" Amy pouted disappointedly at him. "Aw, c'mon Amy, I was just messing around." He said in a gentle tone.

"It was still rude! I thought you were going to drop me!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry for scarring you! I won't do it again!"


Sonic rubbed a finger under his nose and chuckled at the ordeal. His smile dropped slightly as he looked down at a couple, who pretended that they weren't staring at him as they walked by.

Admittedly he was a little upset, by it. He knew that they were judging him, or were scared of him. But he couldn't do much to change their judgement, the people are the only ones who can change their view on him, and he couldn't do anything to make himself be smaller. But noticing Amy's worry over him, he shook it off and gave her a smile again before walking over to a tree and sat next to it.

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