Chapter 6- Lakeside Adventure

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"Well, his story checks out. Shadow and Silver saw him coming in." Knuckles exhaled.

"Exactly as I had said it!" Metal spoke.

"Yeah yeah, be quiet."

Metal folded his arms. "Then tell me why am I forced to be next to you?"

"Just because you're innocent now, doesn't mean you won't try anything in the future!" Tails said. "So we're gonna keep a REAL close eye on you from now on!"

"Hmm... I see. So you are going to keep an eye on ME, and not the giant hedgehog who is rampaging every time he blacks out?"

"G. U. N. can keep an eye on him, we're not worried."

"Then tell me, where is your giant friend?"

Silence arose across the three of them, a deathly silence that could make almost anyone's ears start ringing just to fill the void. Tails and Knuckles shared a look, one that was admittedly at least slightly worried. They hadn't seen him since they came into the facility, and he wasn't in the kitchen or his bedroom like they thought he would be.

"Uh.... I'm... sure it's gonna be fine..." knuckles said with a small nervous smile.


It was getting dark out and the sun was setting itself past the horizon, sending beautiful shades of yellow, orange, pink, and even shades of purple and blue to the sky. The warm air skipped itself across the nearby lake that was illuminated by the setting sun and the few lampposts that stuck out around the area.

His feet dug into the sand and dirt as he paced around the area. He mumbled ramblings to himself, something he did to wrap his mind over all of what's been happening. To him.

He crouched down, hanging his head low and laying his arms against his knees, sighing out a heavy feeling that had stayed with him for a while now, but as soon as that feeling left him it came right back. It made him feel an emotion he could only describe as 'bad'.

He stood back up and looked out to the large lake. A glimmering light rippled across its waters, made by the slowly fading light of the sun, and the lampposts that were about half as tall as him. Seeing how small they are compared to him, and as thick as a twig from a tree branch to him, too. God, he really was a giant. He certainly earned that title. Sonic the Giant.

A giant. Big and dangerous...

"Agh! Stop that!" Sonic growled as he smacked the sides of his face. "You're fine! Everything's fine! Things are FINE! You're not going to think badly about yourself! It's not gonna help!" He folded his arms and stood there with a furrowed brow, determined to stay there till his head didn't spin with the enormous amounts of negativity that had made itself home. It was only then he heard something.

His ear twitched at a sound that was mechanical, it whirred continuously, only stopping for a second before the whirring came again. On occasion was an upset whine that came from what Sonic could only guess was a young kid.

He turned to the direction of the noise. A young girl was there, not far along the rim of the lakeside. She was in a wheelchair, and that wheelchair was stuck in the dirt, and no matter how much she tried she couldn't get it out.

Without a second thought to come across his head, Sonic rushed over to the girls aid. He carefully lifted her wheelchair out of the slippery ground and onto a place that was more solid next to her.

"Thank you!" She cheered and turned to look at him, it was then where her happy expression turned to one of shock or surprise. Her sudden change in expression made him uneasy again.

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