Chapter 14- The Calm

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"Stupid dumb Shadow. Stupid Knuckles n' Tails." Sonic muttered angrily to himself as he huffed into the lunchroom. "Stupid damn issues. Stupid... stupid...." He looked down at himself. The ground far below him. The long lunch tables tiny compared to his feet.

"Mmm... stupid... giant... BODY!" He slammed his fist into the wall, and then stared at the crack he made once he removed it. He huffed out a whine as his throat began to tighten when he suppressed the tears balling up in his eyes.

He sat himself against the wall, putting his face into his lap and whining out a groan like a dog from his throat. His hands laid limp to his sides.

"Are you okay, Sonic?" A young voice caught his ear. He tilted his head. It was Barry, holding a few rags and a spray bottle.

"Oh, hey Barry. Sorry to disrupt your cleaning..."

"It's fine." Barry responded with a smile. "It's not like I have to clean the ENTIRE mess hall."

Sonic exhaled out a snicker accompanied with a grin. Remembering that time he and the others created a mess in here, they did clean it up afterwards. Sonic's smile didn't last long though, and he buried his head in his knees again and sighed.

"... Is something up?" Barry asked him. "You seem upset by something. Well, I mean, you DID punch the wall earlier, but like... ya know..."

"Ah, yeah." Sonic responded and brushed a hand through his quills. "Sorry, I'm just... feeling things."

"Um... do you want to talk about it?"

Sonic struggled to get the words out of his throat. He stammered and choked, then he finally huffed out a heavy sigh. "It's just... just all of this! What's been happening! To me... to everyone... all of it I... UGH!"

Barry placed their utensils on the table and sat on the chair beside it. Patiently listening to Sonic and his problems.

"I know my friends mean well, and I know that they just want me and everyone to be safe. They don't want anything terrible to happen... but just..." He covered his face and groaned loudly. "I'm feeling so many emotions and none of them are good!"

"It sounds tough." Barry said.

"Yeah, DUH! It is!" Sonic said in a harsh tone. He immediately regretted saying that. "Sorry. I'm just so... so... ANGRY!" He held his hands up in a threatening manner, his teeth clenched and his gums barred.

"It's fine to feel angry sometimes."

"Doesn't make me feel any better about this junk." He put a hand to his head.

"Maybe you're just in a slump. I mean, I think you've been here for a while now, right?"


"So maybe you just need something different. Do something you haven't done before."

Sonic rested his cheek in a palm. "You think so?"

"Yeah! My dad used to tell me that there's no use in just sitting and feeling sorry for yourself! You need to get up and take the world head on! If you have time to worry, then run!"

Sonic smiled. "Your dad has some good words. Kinda reminds me of my uncle, Chuck."

"If he is anything like my dad, then he must be pretty great." Barry returned the smile.

"He is." Sonic continued to smile, but he couldn't hold it for long. He was still upset, though he did feel just the littlest bit better talking to the younger quokka just off of him. His expression didn't go unnoticed by them, though.

"Do you want me to help you find something?"

"Nah, I don't want to bother ya with that." He folded his arms over his knees. "Knowing the stuff I've been through, something will go my way. Probably."

"Alright. Just know that I'm here if you need anything."

"Heh. I'll keep that in mind." Sonic said. "Thanks


The two jumped at the sudden volume of the voice. "IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR ONE OF YOU BOZOS FOR AGES!" The general shouted as she marched into the room. "Do none of you stay still for more than five minuets?! God!"

"G-G-General!!!" Barry stammered, standing up and grabbing the cleaning supplies that they placed there moments prior. "L-Listen! I can explain!"

"I'm not talking to you, soup chef!" She snapped her jaw at him, then pushed her bangs out of her face and faced Sonic. "I am talking to YOU!"

"Me?" Sonic puzzled. He clenched his teeth as he worried about what she would say to him.

"YES! YOU! I would be talking to your friends about this, but they are nowhere when I need them! Like usual..."

"Yeah, they really get around, don't they..." He chuckled nervously.

"Anywho..." Sally began as she folded her hands behind her back. "It was only a matter of time for this to happen. But Dr. Robotnik is back causing trouble again."

"Now?" Sonic whined.

"Yes, of course, now!" She responded. "I want you to go deal with him."

"Cant G. U. N. take care of it? Why do I have to?"

Sally groaned. "Because the doctor somehow got ahold of Neo's tech."

"WHAT?!" Sonic shouted in panic.

"Who is Neo again?" Barry asked quietly.

"I am just as upset about this as you are, even more so. He somehow managed to grab some of it while we were cleaning the site a while back." She folded her arms. "And while usually, G. U. N. can handle almost things that the doctor has done, he has created something that finally has made him earn his name being known."

"...What is it?" Sonic dreaded. He hoped that it was something that he really didn't need to be a part of.

"The guy has made a giant robot."

"... Giant like the usual?"

"Giant like people could be hurt or killed!"

Another upset whine came from Sonic hearing that. No. Why now?! Why of all times now?! He clenched his teeth and placed his hands over his head. Sally spoke again.

"Now listen, Sonic. I'm not ignorant to what's been going on with ya. Heck, you concussed the little super-genius over here! I'm surprised his IQ hasn't faltered from that crash to the noggin he took." Sonic looked away in shame. "But I wouldn't be asking you, or any of the others if it wasn't serious. Understood?"

"Yeah, I got it..." Sonic responded glumly.

"Now, if you're worried that you'll harm anyone, we already have G. U. N. forces managing the scene, and they will take any means necessary."

"... Even...?" Sonic trailed.

Sally nodded. "Yes. Even if it comes to that."

Sonic buried his head in his shoulders, a pit formed in his stomach and twisted violently. He whined once more, but then exhaled out a sigh. "Okay. I guess I don't have a choice." He stood up.

"You don't. The robot is in Seaside City. I'll tell the others where you've gone and order them to help you. Once I find them."

Sonic nodded and ran off, though he hesitated for a second. The general was going to rush him out the door anyways, no matter what he would tell her. He tried to not think to much about it. Doing so might make him panic, and he didn't want that.

"Um... p-permission to speak, ma'am?" Barry stuttered.

"What is it?" Replied Sally.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?"

She stayed silent, looking out to the mess halls doorway. Her expression became firm. "Just keep washing the tables, soup chef." And she left.

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