Arrival at Edmonton

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Days later tekkadan arrived at at Edmonton Train yard only to be met hostile soldiers, they secured the station but across the bridge was the city of Edmonton. The bridge was guarded by dozens of gjallahorn mobile workers and 200 troops.

In the rear Mika, Ruby, Blake in a new GM2 were fighting like hell to keep Graze units away from the train station. In the open field dead Graze units scatter the battlefield.

In the train station hundreds of wounded tekkadan soldiers lay groaning and crying with various injuries.

Carta, Weiss, yang and Ironwood along with a few medics treated the wounded.

Orga was in his command mobile worker behind the mobile workers trying to breach the barricade.

"Damn they just won't quit, alright everyone fall back for now, get the wounded into the station, lead forces deploy smoke to cover our retreat" Orga said

Smoke filled the bridge and they pulled back, orga got out his mobile worker and looked around the station. Yang saw him and hugged him before letting go.

"How many?" Orga asked

"18 dead 100 injured" Yang replied

Mika took out the last one.

"Okay that's all for them, everyone take five, they will be back soon" Mika said

Ruby half naked in her mobile suit due to the heat.

"Thank god I'm starving" Ruby said pulling out a bag of chocolate chip cookies

"I don't know how you are able to think about food right now" Blake said

"Its a blessing and a curse" Ruby said with A mouth full of cookies.

Back in the station Ironwood and Orga with Weiss looked at map of Edmonton.

"This bridge is the only way in or out" Orga said

"Im afraid so, any ideas that dont involve just blast them away are welcomed" Ironwood replied

Weiss looked out the window seeing the river had turned into just a small creek she nodded.

"I got it" she said

She walked to the map

"All there forces are focused on the bridge, let's go around through the river while it's in low tied and drive right on through" Weiss said

"In order to do that you will need a distraction" Ironwood replied

Weiss looked at Orga.

"We need you guys, just one last time" Weiss said

Orga nodded

"I know, so we got a plan, I will tell the others" orga said

He got up not saying a word walking.

Everyone got together in the station, orga stood ontop of a mobile worker. Mika ruby and Blake remained inside there mobile suits and listened through the radio.

"I know we been through alot, from day one gjallahorn has been gunning for us and here we are at the final hour, at the final battle we stand on the brink of victory.....but what I'm asking for fill free not to accept, I ask from anyone who able body and have minimal Injuries to join me on one last assault, one final attack to victory" Orga said

A few of the guys in the beds got up, and walked to the mobile worker and saluted, other able body soldiers saluted as well, more then dozen others got up and saluted.

"Thank you all, now gear up for the final battle" orga said

"Yes sir"

They all scrambled orga got of the mobile worker, yang came up to him.

"Where do you need me?" Yang said

"Yang I need you here helping the others" orga said

Yang got frustrated

"No I need to lead my men into combat they need me" Yang said

Orga got closer to yang

"Listen yang, I need you here...we need you here" orga said putting his hands on her belly

Yang blushed and looked down.

"Fine but just be sure to come back to me okay, promise me you will come back" Yang replied

"I promise" he replied kissing her

"You better, can't have a wedding without the groom" Yang whispered in his ear.

Weiss and Ironwood steeped into armoed truck, Carta stepped into a driver seat with her new tekkadan jacket.

"Oh its you" Weiss said

"Yeah not many left to drive so I thought I do it" she replied

"If you betray us....I'll kill you myself" Ironwood said

"Noted" she replied

Mika, Ruby and Blake reloaded all there weapons.

"Ruby at the first sign of trouble be sure to eject" He said

Ruby was confused he had never said that to her.

"You never told me that before" she replied

Mika was silent for moment

"What we talked about that day, I was serious, when this is all over I want us to start a family" he said

Ruby blushed buy smiled, Cresent rose hugged barbatos, Blake was just there blushing.

She let go of Mika

"Hostiles incoming" Blake shouted

They looked out into the distance and saw dozen of Graze coming holding spears and shields.

"Lets do this" Mika and orga said at the same time

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