Open fire

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Weiss was in the Atlas safe, a small motel, coming out the shower she turned the TV on and saw the news about the protests. She sat on the bed and checked her phone, seeing a few missed calls.

"Huh boss man?" She said


Mika and bis helped yang outside where Blake waited in a car, two other dead MPs lay next to the car.

"She's hurt bad" bis said putting yang in the back seat laying down half unconscious.

They got into the car and started to drive.

"Your going to be fine yang stay with us" Blake said

"Im not dead yet" Yang said with her eyes closed

They drive to the street but they quickly stopped as they saw people stepping out there cars and seeing the roads sign say

"Road closed"

"Where did boss say to meet him?" Blake asked

"Coffee shop 2 blocks from here" Biscuit replied

"Then we walk" Mika said

At the same time

Weiss called the boss but communications were going off the hook due to heavy calls. Weiss gave up and called Biscuit.

"Hey what's going on?" Weiss asked .

"Yang is hurt, this whole trip was a set up, boss wants us to meet at the coffee shop on mainstreet" Biscuit replied

"Got it, I'll be there soon" Weiss replied hanging up

She got dressed and quickly made her way to the lobby but she stopped looking down noticing blood. A few staff were laying on the floor with bullet holes. She looked up seeing a women in a jacket with her hood up.

"W-who are you? What have you done?" Weiss asked

The women said nothing but raised her suppressed pistol and shot Weiss in the stomach, Weiss fell on her back holding her belly.

The women laughed

"The names salem and that is a little gift from gallajorn" Salem said turning around about to walk out the door

Weiss looked around and saw a dead security guard, she reached into his holster and pulled out a pistol, she aimed and shot Salem in the shoulder, she quickly ran away bleeding.

"And that was a gift from tekkadan bitch" Weiss said

She slowly sat up holding her stomach, she lifted her hand and saw no blood, she lifted her shirt to reveal a large bruise on her stomach.

"Im never calling Kevlar an ugly fabric ever again" she said to herself getting up and walking out the door.

She walked down the street seeing protesters everywhere, she wondered into main street and saw where the main crowd was, dozens of employees armed with rifles and mobile workers.

A random women grabbed her hand gently.

"Oh good your here, Mr Ashima has been wanting to meet with you" the women said

Weiss was confused amd was being dragged along.

"Mr who?" She replied

The women dragged her to the front just as the main crowd reached the government building, riot cops stood by the main gates, inside the property gallajorn mobile workers and troops stood guarding. Camera crews set up at all sides. Weiss was pushed up onto of a transport worker where Mr. Ashima was yelling into a megaphone.

"Can someone tell me what is going on?" Weiss asked


In the coffee shop ruby and orga waited, just then the doors opened and Mika and Biscuit walked in holding yang, orga quickly got her and lay her on the floor holding her.

Blake walked in moments later and closed the glass door.

"Oh God yang" orga said holding her hand

"Relax babe I'm fine, I had worse, remeber Kyto Park on Mars" Yang replied smiling weakly

Orga smiled and chuckled a bit.

"At least this time you didn't get shot in the ass" he replied

They both smiled, Biscuit looked up and saw the live TV showing Weiss be put on top of a transport worker next to Mr Ashima.

"Boss we have a problem" Biscuit said

They all looked to see the TV.

At the same inside the government building biscuits brother begged and pleaded with the higher ups

"Please don't do this, look we have Weiss schenne right there we can take her in and negotiate with the rebellion" he said begging

"Enough talking it's high time these peasants rember who's in charge" the higher ups said

Down in the defense line one of the glallajorn mobile workers exploded, sending troops amd shrapnel in all directions.

"We didn't do that!" Mr. Ashima shouted

The riot gear cops retreated into the gates kf the government building.

"The use of live ammunition has been authorized" a voiced echoed

"No wait please don't do it"

"Get the children out of here!"

Gjallajorn mobile workers deployed there mini guns and aimed, laser light pointed at the crowd.

"Open fire"

The guns began to rotate and fired I to the crowd, Weiss was pushed down off the mobile worker. She fell on the floor hard and some people fell on her.

The crowd screamed in pain as they were cut down like animals, blood and limbs were shot in every direction. The rebel mobile workers tried to fight back but the main guns of the gallajorns fired back blowing them up killing more rebels. The air was covered thick fog.

The guns fell silent, as did main street there were no injured only dead. Weiss forced her way up. She pushed the dead off of her.

She looked around at the carnage. She began to cry, but a hand reached out and grabbed her. It was the same women, Weiss helped her and held.

"Im....s-so scared..." the women said

"Dont worry your going to fine....." Weiss said

"Help anyone out there!!!" Weiss shouted

The women was shaking, Weiss lifted the women's jacket and saw her guts hanging out. She gasped.

"W-whats gonna happen with my son...he's going to be all alone" the women said

Weiss began to cry holding her feeling her heart rate slowly, very slowly stop.

In the coffee shop orga and the others got up and saw out the window the dead. The streets were red in blood. He looked down and saw a women holding a baby, they were both dead.

"They killed everyone, even the civilians" Blake said

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