Of Ice and blood

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They crew soon reached the coast of Canada, they landed everything to the mega train and took off. The cold weather was unfamiliar with most of the crew and a few got sick. Orga,Mika, ruby and yang were in the front cart of the train looking at another map.

"How long till we reached Edmonton?" Orga asked

"Due to the weather, 3 maybe 4 days, still on schedule" Ironwood replied

"These wide open feild areas are where Gjallahorn will make there last attempt to stopping us" Weiss said pointing a apart of the map they were close too.

"If they do we will be ready" Orga said

"In the meantime enjoy your time here, hot showers, warm food, some of your men could use the R&R" Ironwood said

Orga agreed and they went to the more luxuous parts of the train.

Ruby and Mika sat at a table booth and ate some cookies that the stewardess brought them. Mika and Ruby were smiling enjoying these sweet snacks they rarely had.

Yang stepped into a shower and for the first time in days she felt warm water against her skin she maoned a little, she was hugged from behind by orga.

Meanwhile outside 4 mobile suits stalked the train and waited for the opportunity to strike.

"We will soon be in the clearing, you all remeber the plan right" Carta asked

"Yes ma'am" they all said

Inside one of the cockpit of the teil Graze was ein, he had a picture of Ruby and Cresent rose taped his dashboard.
The pictures filled him with rage.

"I will regain my honor, and rid the galaxy of these degenerate space rats" he said to himself

Inside the train, Ironwood stood in the train engine, counting down till they reached the clearing, he looked out the window, seeing the dim lights of the Graze units on the hill.

"We're being followed" Ironwood said

"I know, we will have to stop to face them when we reach the clearing" Weiss replied

She looked at Ironwood

"You don't look like you have much faith in tekkadan" Weiss said

"I have full confidence in there abilities no doubt about that, it's just....I don't think they are ready for what's to come in Edmonton, it will be a battle of attrition many will die, they lost one ams everyone was depressed I can only imagine what's gonna happen to them when more die" Ironwood added

Weiss thought about it and knew he was right.

Suddenly the mazzive Graze landed infront of them 10 miles away, the train slowly came to a stop. Yang and orga stepped out there rooms half naked drying there hair.

Ruby and Mika ran to them

"Its gjallahorn again" Mika said

Orga put his shirt on with a large coat, yang did the same and the doors kf thr train opened as everyone else wanted to see.

The lead Graze unit stood upright with a red flag flowing in the breeze.

"Geez another duel, don't these guys ever give up, Mika looks like your up, Ruby backed him up just in case this is a trap" Orga said

Carta stepped out her mobile suit and used the speakers.

"I am Carta Issue, I am with the joint whatever doesn't matter, what matter is I challenge your best warrior in combat, if I win you will all surrender if I lose you will be allowed to leave you have 5 minute sto accept or decline" Carta said

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