Pacific way

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Hours after the battle, They were all on board a massive transport ship sailing through the pacific ocean. Everyone was in a down mood after Biscuits death, especially Orga he locked himself in his quarters on the floor leaning on the wall.

On the deck Mika and Ruby sat close by the door to Orgas quarters, yang and Blake finally arrived.

"He still in there?" Yang asked

"Yupp hasn't said a word, he feels responsible for what happened" Ruby replied

"We need him, we are so close to ending all of this, think you can talk him out of his depressed state" Mika asked Yang

"I will I promise" Yang said

She walked up the stairs and reached his room, spining the wheel at the center of the door the heavy creaking echoed and yang entered.

She saw Orga sitting there didn't even look at her.

"Orga, I know what you going through right now but we need our leader, everyone out there is lost without you" Yang said getting on her knees next to him holding his hand

"I got him killed, who's to say i won't get you killed" Orga replied

"Orga listen to me, it's combat you don't decide who lives and who dies, we of all people know that, but being locked in your room and ignoring everyone won't bring him back, we have to remeber the dead and fight like hell for the living" Yang said getting closer

Orga said nothing and yang decided to tell him

"Tekkadan needs you, Weiss needs you, Mika, Ruby I need you" Yang stopped for a moment taking her jacket off and took orgas hand

"We need you" She said placing her hand in her stomach

Orga eyes shot wide open he could feel her baby bump and he was at a lost for words.

"W-wait....y-you mean" he stuttered

Yang smile and nodded

"Yeah" she said

Orga smiled and got up picked yang up, she jumped on him they both cheered and laughed before kissing. He put her down. Orga was speechless, he tried to put words together but couldn't.

"Lets focus on finishing this mission then we can talk details" Yang said smiling

"Right" Orga replied

Finally they both stepped out, everyone saw the boss and waited for what he would say.

"We lost a good friend recently, Biscuit will always be rembered as the smartest guy in tekkadan, we will honor him by finishing this mission and making gjallahorn pay in blood, we will honor our dead and fight like hell for the living and make gjallahorn never forget the day they fucked with tekkadan" Orga said

Everyone cheered and clapped there hands, Ironwood and Weiss looked around amd felt the sudden change if mood, Orga walked down the stairs and began to give orders

"Team 3 check ammo and supplies what do we have and what do we need" orga said to the younger group

"Yes boss" they replied getting up

"Blake I got a new mobile suit coming be ready to pilot it when it arrives" he said

"Yes boss" Blake replied

He went around giving orders and getting the crew back I to focus.

"Wow he's fired up, what did you tell him" Ruby asked

Yang took off her jacket.

"The truth" Yang replied smiling

Blake and ruby covered there mouths and smiled they hugged.

"Congratulations I had no idea" Ruby said

Mika was confused.

"Congratulations on what?" He asked

"Im gonna be a auntie, and your gonna a be a uncle" Ruby replied

Ironwood and Weiss laid out a map and orga joined them.

"Where going to lad here in Canada from there we will take the mega trains straight shot to Edmonton, no doubt gjallahirn will have that city on lockdown, no mobile suits are allowed in the city so we will have to fight the old fashion way" Ironwood said

"Im more worried about all the open space will be going through" Orga pointed at the map

"They will try to stop us but they wouldn't dare damage the train tracks, they rely on it just as much as we do and with the stricter laws on earth they won't be able to just throw wave after wave at us but all bets are off when we reach Edmonton" Weiss added .

"I have some mobile suits but pilots are coming up short" Ironwood said

"I have some" Orga said

They nodded and orga walk to the deck again

"Alright I want all pilots meet me in minutes down below, Nadi contact the Pegasus I want ahkihiro amd his Graze down here, this is gonna be a tough fight everyone....let's kick em in the ass for Biscuit" Orga said

They all shouted

"For Biscuit!"

Meanwhile in the gjallahorn pacific command center floating fortress.

The higher ups all gathered to rethink strategy or come up with plans to sabotage Tekkadan. Carta stood up.

"We are wasiting our time with these plans, everyday we spent bickering the closer they get to reaching Edmonton, I will deal with them myself in Canada" Carta said

She walked out with her head held high, she walked down the stairs but was stopped by a young pilot.

"Lady carta I am specialist Ein, I would like permission to accompany you and team to Canada" Ein said

"Looking to get revenge" she asked

"Yes those spaces rats, killed both my commanding officers, they humiliated me in the battlefield, so yes I am fixing to get revenge on these brats" Ein said looking angry

"We share a common enemy then, come on kid we leave immediately..." Carta said

"For we are The...." Carta was cut off

"Oh my god shut the fuck up" a man shouted walking past them

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